
Plain source file: base/parse2/Lexer/HsLexerPass1.hs (2004-12-06)

HsLexerPass1 is imported by: ParseMonad, PFE0, PFE_HTML, Pfe0Cmds, Pfe1Cmds, Main{-pfe/pfe.hs-}, PropLexer.

module HsLexerPass1(module HsLexerPass1,module HsLexerPos) where
import HsLex(haskellLex)
import HsLexUtils
import HsLayoutPre(layoutPre,PosToken)
import HsLexerPos
import List(mapAccumL)


The function lexerPass1 handles the part of lexical analysis that can be done independently of the parser, i.e., the tokenization and the addition of the extra layout tokens <n> and {n}, as specified in section 9.3 of the revised Haskell 98 Report.

type LexerOutput = [PosToken]
type Lexer = String -> LexerOutput

lexerPass1 :: Lexer
lexerPass1 = lexerPass1Only . lexerPass0

lexerPass1Only = layoutPre . rmSpace

rmSpace = filter (notWhite.fst)

notWhite t = t/=Whitespace &&
             t/=Commentstart && t/=Comment &&

-- Tokenize and add position information:

lexerPass0 :: Lexer
lexerPass0 = lexerPass0' startPos

lexerPass0' :: Pos -> Lexer
lexerPass0' pos0 = addPos . haskellLex . rmcr
    addPos = snd . mapAccumL pos pos0

    pos p (t,s) = {-seq p'-} (p',(t,(p,s)))
        where p' = nextPos p s
--      where s = reverse r

Since nextPos examines one character at a time, it will increase the line number by 2 if it sees \CR\LF, which can happen when reading DOS files on a Unix like system. Since the extra \CR characters can cause trouble later as well, we choose to simply remove them here.

rmcr ('\CR':'\LF':s) = '\LF':rmcr s
rmcr (c:s) = c:rmcr s
rmcr "" = ""


(HTML for this module was generated on 2009-01-04. About the conversion tool.)