IsabelleType is imported by: IsabelleAST, IsabelleDecl, IsabelleProp, IsabelleTerm.
module IsabelleType where import Maybe (fromMaybe) import Mixfix type Class = String data Sort = Sort [Class] | DefaultSort data Type = TVar String Sort | TType String [Type] data TypePattern = TypePattern Type -- Datatype declarations data Strictness = Lazy | Strict data DomainArg = DomainArg Strictness String Type data DomainCons = DomainCons String [DomainArg] data DomainType = DomainType TypePattern [DomainCons] ------------------------------------------------------------ tVar a = TVar a DefaultSort addClass :: Class -> Sort -> Sort addClass c DefaultSort = Sort [c] addClass c (Sort cs) = Sort (c:cs) addConstraint :: (String, Class) -> Type -> Type addConstraint x t = fromMaybe t (addC x t) where addC (a,c) (TVar b s) | a == b = Just (TVar b (addClass c s)) | otherwise = Nothing addC x (TType n ts) = fmap (TType n) (addC' x ts) addC' x [] = Nothing addC' x (t:ts) = case addC x t of Nothing -> fmap (t :) (addC' x ts) Just t' -> Just (t' : ts) addContext :: [(String, Class)] -> Type -> Type addContext cs t = foldr addConstraint t cs tApp (TType s ts) t = TType s (ts ++ [t]) tApp t _ = error ("non-exhaustive pattern: tApp " ++ show t) foldr1' :: (a -> a -> a) -> a -> [a] -> a foldr1' f z [] = z foldr1' f z xs = foldr1 f xs tFun t t' = TType "->" [t,t'] tList t = TType "[]" [t] checkTp :: Type -> () checkTp (TType c ts) = checkTa ts where checkTa [] = () checkTa (TVar _ _ : ts) = checkTa ts ------------------------------------------------------------ showSort :: Sort -> ShowS showSort s = case s of DefaultSort -> showString "pcpo" Sort [x] -> showString x Sort xs -> showQuotes (showBraces (showCommaSep (map showString xs))) showInstance :: Type -> ShowS showInstance (TType c [TType s ts]) = showString (name s) . showString " :: " . showCs ts . showString c where name "[]" = "List" name "->" = "\"->\"" name ('(':x) = "Tuple" ++ show (length x) name s = s showCs [] = id showCs xs = showTuple (map showC xs) . showSpace showC (TVar _ s) = showSort s instance Show Sort where showsPrec p DefaultSort = id showsPrec p (Sort xs) = showString "::" . case xs of [x] -> showString x xs -> showBraces (showCommaSep (map showString xs)) instance Show Type where showsPrec p x = case x of TVar a s -> showChar '\'' . showString a . shows s -- special case for function space TType "->" [t,t'] -> mixfix "_ \\<rightarrow> _" [showsPrec 1 t, showsPrec 0 t'] 0 p -- special case for list constructor TType "[]" [t] -> showSquares (shows t) -- special case for tuple constructors TType ('(':_) ts -> showParens (showCommaSep (map shows ts)) TType c [] -> showString c TType c ts -> showParen (p>0) (showSpaceSep (showString c : map (showsPrec 1) ts)) instance Show TypePattern where showsPrec _ (TypePattern x) = case x of TType s [] -> showString s TType s [t] -> shows t . showSpace . showString s TType s ts -> showParens (showCommaSep (map shows ts)) . showSpace . showString s _ -> shows x instance Show DomainArg where showsPrec _ (DomainArg str name t) = case (str,name) of (Strict, "") -> show_t (Strict, s) -> showParens (showString s . showString "::" . show_t) (Lazy, "") -> showParens (showString "lazy " . show_t) (Lazy, s) -> showParens (showString "lazy " . showString s . showString "::" . show_t) where show_t = showQuotes (showHBrackets (shows t)) instance Show DomainCons where showsPrec _ (DomainCons s []) = showString s showsPrec _ (DomainCons s args) = showString s . showSpace . showSpaceSep (map shows args) instance Show DomainType where showsPrec _ (DomainType t cons) = shows t . showString " = " . showBarSep (map shows cons)
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