NamesEntities is imported by: CheckModules, ModSysAST, Modules, PFE0.
Having described the Haskell module system as a mechanism for namespace management, it is natural for us to begin its specification with a discussion about names and entities.
> module NamesEntities ( > module NamesEntities, > module Ents, > module Names > ) where > > --import Set > import Maybe(isJust) > import Ents(Entity,isCon,isValue,owns) > import Names(Name,QName,ModName, > getQualified, getQualifier, mkQual, mkUnqual)
The basic idea is that names in a program refer to entities. Entities get introduced in a program by declarations. For example, a declaration such as f x = x + 2 will introduce one entity: a function named f. For the purposes of this paper, we are only interested in top level entities, as they are manipulated by the module system. There are at least six varieties of entities in Haskell: functions, type constructors, value constructors, field labels, classes, and class methods. One could perhaps also consider class instances to be entities as they are also introduced by declarations. We do not do that here because, in Haskell 98, there is no way to refer to them by name.
The module system specification is parametrized by the type of entities, so we represent it using an abstract data type:
data Entity = ... isCon :: Entity -> Bool owns :: Entity -> Set Entity instance Ord Entity where ...
The function isCon is intended to distinguish between value constructors and other entities, as they need to be handled differently in ``hiding'' imports as opposed to normal imports and exports (see Section \ref{Sem}).
The function owns defines the subordinate relation between entities. Type constructors ``own'' their value constructors and field labels; classes ``own'' their methods.
The requirement that entities are in the Ord class is stronger than strictly necessary. For the module system to work, we only need an equality operation. The ordering is required by the implementation of relations as sets (described in Section \ref{sec-relations}).
Entities will be written in a different font, and annotated with the module where they were originally defined. For example \ent{f}{M} refers to the entity f originally defined in module M.
Our specification is also parameterized by the types used to model names. We distinguish between three different kinds of names:
We use the type Name whenever we want to indicate that only simple (i.e. not qualified) names are allowed, and QName when both simple and qualified names may be used. As for entities, the module system only needs equality operations on names, but to use the Set data structure we require the Ord instance.
data Name = ... data ModName = ... data QName = ... getQualifier :: QName -> Maybe ModName getQualified :: QName -> Name mkUnqual :: Name -> QName mkQual :: ModName -> Name -> QName instance Ord Name where ... instance Ord ModName where ... instance Ord QName where ...
We define a couple of useful functions to manipulate (possibly qualified) names. We note that if qual is applied to an already qualified name, it will replace the old qualifier (however in this specification we always apply it to unqualified names).
> isQual :: QName -> Bool > isQual = isJust . getQualifier > qual :: ModName -> QName -> QName > qual m = mkQual m . getQualified
It is also convenient to define an overloaded function toSimple, which produces the unqualified part of a name. It does nothing on values of type Name as they cannot be qualified. For values of type QName it strips the qualifiers.
> class ToSimple t where > toSimple :: t -> Name > > instance ToSimple Name where > toSimple = id > > instance ToSimple QName where > toSimple = getQualified
In examples throughout the paper we shall use String for Name, ModName, and QName. This is not the case in our prototype implementation, as it defeats the purpose of having three different types in the first place. We made this choice to keep the examples readable.
(HTML for this module was generated on 2006-08-12. About the conversion tool.)