Ents is imported by: AST4ModSys, NamesEntities, PPModules, WorkModule, ReAssocModule, ScopeModule, Pfe4Cmds, PfeDepCmds.
module Ents (module Ents, isValue) where import TypedIds import HsIdent import HsName(ModuleName) import PosName(Id) import Sets -- interface of the module system to the concrete type of entities type Entity = Ent Id -- The type of entities data Ent n = Ent ModuleName (HsIdentI n) (IdTy n) deriving (Show,Read) instance Eq n => Eq (Ent n) where Ent m1 i1 t1 == Ent m2 i2 t2 = m1==m2 && i1==i2 && namespace t1==namespace t2 instance Ord n => Ord (Ent n) where compare (Ent m1 i1 t1) (Ent m2 i2 t2) = compare (m1,i1,namespace t1) (m2,i2,namespace t2) instance HasNameSpace (Ent n) where namespace = namespace . idTy instance HasIdTy n (Ent n) where idTy (Ent _ _ ty) = ty isCon (Ent _ (HsCon _) x) | not (isAssertion x) = namespace x == ValueNames isCon _ = False owns (Ent m (HsCon n) (Type tyinfo)) = mkSet $ map (mkCons . conName) (constructors tyinfo) ++ map mkFields (fields tyinfo) where mkCons c = Ent m (HsCon c) (ConstrOf n tyinfo) mkFields f = Ent m (HsVar f) (FieldOf n tyinfo) owns (Ent m (HsCon n) (Class cnt xs)) = mkSet (cvt `map` xs) where cvt x = Ent m (HsVar x) (MethodOf n cnt xs) owns _ = emptySet
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