NewSCC is imported by: SCMs, TiSCC, PFE0.
module NewSCC (sccEq,scc) where {- A module to find strongly connected components - and perform a topological sort on them. - This is Lennart Augusstoson's code (from hbc?) - converted to Haskell by Iavor Diatchki. -} import OpTypes import Products((><)) import StateM import Maybe (fromJust,listToMaybe) sccEq :: EqOp a -> Graph a -> [Graph a] scc :: Eq a => Graph a -> [Graph a] lkpEq eq x xs = listToMaybe [ v | (k,v) <- xs, x `eq` k ] nonfailLkpEq eq x = fromJust . lkpEq eq x type Graph a = [(a, [a])] type Numbering a = [(a, Int)] type RW a = (Int, Numbering a, Graph a, Int) pushMany xs (x,ns,ss,y) = (x,ns,ss ++ xs,y) minLast m (x,ns,ss,y) = (x,ns,ss,min y m) getNumbering (x,ns,ss,y) = ns sccEq eq gG = concat $ withSt [] $ mapM (g eq gG) gG scc = sccEq (==) g :: EqOp a -> Graph a -> (a,[a]) -> StateM (Numbering a) [Graph a] g eq gG vv@(v,_) = do low <- getSt let found = const (return []) notFound = let (cs4, st) = searchC eq gG 1 low vv in setSt (getNumbering st) >> return cs4 maybe notFound found (lkpEq eq v low) searchC :: EqOp a -> Graph a -> Int -> Numbering a -> (a,[a]) -> ([Graph a], RW a) searchC eq g n low vv@(v, es) | nonfailLkpEq eq v low' == min' = (cs' ++ [nstack], (n', map (id >< const maxBound) nstack ++ low', [], min')) | otherwise = (cs', (n', low', nstack, min')) where cs' = concat cs2 (cs2, (n', low', nstack, min')) = let n1 = n + 1 initSt = (n1, (v,n1) : low , [vv], n1) in withStS initSt $ mapM (f eq g) es -- f :: EqOp a -> Graph a -> a -> StateM (RW a) [Graph a] f eq g v = do (n, low, stack, min') <- getSt res <- case lkpEq eq v low of Nothing -> let (r,s) = searchC eq g n low (findVV eq g v) in do setSt s; return r Just vm -> do setSt (n, low, [], vm); return [] updSt (minLast min' . pushMany stack) return res findVV :: EqOp a -> Graph a -> a -> (a, [a]) findVV eq g v = (v, nonfailLkpEq eq v g) test = [('c', []) ,('a', ['b','c']) ,('b', ['a']) ] test1 = [('a', "b") ,('c', "b") ,('b', "") ]
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