TiSCC is imported by: TiContextReduction, TiDerivedInstances, TiDs, USCC, IsabelleCmds.
module TiSCC where --import TiClasses import MUtils import NewSCC --import Grapheq import Maybe(fromJust,mapMaybe) import TiDefinedNames(definedNamesSplit) import TiFreeNames default(Int) sccD' names ds = map (map (def.fst)) (scc graph) where --scc = scceq (==) def n = fromJust (lookup n ndefs) graph = [(n,mapMaybe refs xs)|(n,(_,xs))<-nvars] refs x = lookup x defnrs ndefs = zip [0..] ds nvars = mapSnd names ndefs defnrs = [(x,n)|(n,(xs,_))<-nvars,x<-xs] sccD ds = sccD' names ds where names d = case definedNamesSplit d of ([],[]) -> ([],[]) (types,[]) -> (types,freeTypeNames d) ([],values) -> (values,freeValueNames d) _ -> error "TiSCC.hs: mixed type/value definition"
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