UAnnots is imported by: UAbstract.
module UAnnots where import UMetaVar -- Source file positions for use in error messages: data Position = Position String Int Int -- file name, line, column deriving (Eq,Show,Read) noPosition = Position "" (-1) (-1) -- Quick hack to ingore certain annotations in equality test on expressions: newtype NoEq a = N a instance Eq (NoEq a) where _ == _ = True instance Show a => Show (NoEq a) where showsPrec n (N x) = showsPrec n x instance Read a => Read (NoEq a) where readsPrec n s = [(N x,r)|(x,r)<-readsPrec n s] was = Was . N asTextBy = AsTextBy . N altViewsBy = AltViewsBy . N data LayoutDirection = Wide | Tall deriving (Eq,Show,Read) type DispFunName = (String,String) -- (plugin name, disp function name) data UAnnot exp bindings = UnfoldTo exp | FoldTo exp | Was (NoEq MetaVar) | InEnv bindings | AsTextBy (NoEq DispFunName) | AltViewsBy (NoEq [DispFunName]) | LayoutDir LayoutDirection -- Use alternate layout for the annotated expression. | EComment String -- Comment added by user | EPos (NoEq Position) -- position in text file, as provided by the parser | Hidden -- | Dummy -- | CharLit -- more... deriving (Eq,Show,Read) prAnnot (LayoutDir Wide) = "{-#h#-}" prAnnot (LayoutDir Tall) = "{-#v#-}" prAnnot Hidden = "{-#H#-}" prAnnot (EComment s) = s prAnnot (AsTextBy (N n)) = "{-#t"++show n++"#-}" prAnnot (AltViewsBy (N ns)) = "{-#a"++show ns++"#-}" --prAnnot CharLit = "{-#c#-}" prAnnot _ = "" rdAnnot "h#-}" = Just (LayoutDir Wide) rdAnnot "v#-}" = Just (LayoutDir Tall) rdAnnot "H#-}" = Just Hidden rdAnnot ('t':r) = case reads r of [(n,"#-}")] -> Just (asTextBy n) _ -> Just (EComment ("{-#a"++r)) -- !! rdAnnot ('a':r) = case reads r of [(ns,"#-}")] -> Just (altViewsBy ns) _ -> Just (EComment ("{-#a"++r)) -- !! rdAnnot _ = Nothing data DeclDetail = JustNames | NamesAndTypes | CompleteDecls | DeclAsTextBy DispFunName | DeclAltViewsBy [DispFunName] deriving (Eq,Show,Read) prDetailAnnot d = "--#"++prDetail d prDetail JustNames = "N" prDetail NamesAndTypes = "S" prDetail CompleteDecls = "C" prDetail (DeclAsTextBy n) = "t"++show n prDetail (DeclAltViewsBy ns) = "a"++show ns rdDetailAnnot ('-':'-':'#':s) = rdDetail s rdDetailAnnot _ = Nothing rdDetail "N" = Just JustNames rdDetail "S" = Just NamesAndTypes rdDetail "C" = Just CompleteDecls rdDetail ('t':s) = case reads s of (n,_):_ -> Just (DeclAsTextBy n) _ -> Nothing rdDetail ('a':s) = case reads s of (ns,_):_ -> Just (DeclAltViewsBy ns) _ -> Nothing rdDetail _ = Nothing
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