UAbstract is imported by: AbstractOps, UFree, UMatch, USubstitute, BaseStruct2Alfa, PfeAlfaCmds, Prop2Alfa, USCC.
module UAbstract(module UAbstract,MetaVar(..),was,asTextBy) where import UMetaVar import UAnnots ePreMetaVar = EMeta preMetaVar ePos = EAnnot . EPos . N eComment = EAnnot . EComment eCon0 = ECon eCon2 = app2 . ECon eCon = app . ECon newtype Sort = Sort String deriving (Eq,Show,Read) newtype Var = Var String deriving (Eq,Show,Read) newtype Con = Con String deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Read) newtype Label = Label String deriving (Eq,Show,Read) type Vars = [Var] --type MetaVar = Int -- moved to UMetaVar type ExpAnnot = UAnnot Exp Bindings -- When changing this, the following modules probably need to be changed too: -- ConvFromAgda, ConvToAgdaInEnv, DrawAlf, USubstitute, SubstMeta, ...? data Exp = EMeta MetaVar -- place holder | ESort Sort -- sort, e.g. Set or Type | EVar Var -- variable | EApp Exp Exp -- application -- | ECon Con Exps -- constructor application, C e1 .. en | ECon Con -- constructor -- | ELCon Con Exps -- lazy constructor application | EAbs Typing Exp -- abstraction, \ x::t -> e | ELet Decls Exp -- local declaration, let decls in e | ECase Exp Branches -- case ananalysis, case e of p1->e1 .. p2->e2 -- | EFun Exp Exp -- independent function type t -> t | EPi Typing Exp -- dependent function type, (x::t) -> t | ESum Constructors -- data type, data { C1 ..., Cn ... } | EProj Exp Label -- projection e1.x | EOpen Exp OpenArgs Exp -- multiple projecton | ESig Sig -- signature, sig { x1:e1 ... xn:en } | EStr Str -- structure, struct { x1=e1 ... xn=en } | EAnnot ExpAnnot Exp -- annotation | EProofOf Exp Exp -- let ndgoal::e1=e2 in ndgoal | ETyped Exp Exp -- let it::e2=e1 in it -- | ECom Com -- theory, theory { decls } -- | EExit -- Literals (not present in Agda's abstract syntax) | EChar Char -- Character literal | EString String -- String literal | EInt Integer -- Integer literal | ERat Rational -- Rational literal deriving (Eq,Show,Read) type Exps = [Exp] --type Str = Bindings --old type Str = Decls newtype Branch = Branch (Con,([Var],Exp)) deriving (Eq,Show,Read) type Branches = [Branch] data Typing = Var :- Exp deriving (Eq,Show,Read) type Typings = [Typing] --type Sig = [(Label,Exp)] --old data SigPart = SigField Label Exp | SigDef DefB deriving (Eq,Show,Read) type Sig = [SigPart] type Binding = (Var,Exp) type Bindings = [Binding] newtype Constructor = Constr (Con,(Context,EqRestr)) deriving (Eq,Show,Read) type EqRestr = [Exp] -- for the idata construction in Makoto's new Agda type Constructors = [Constructor] data Context = Ctx (Maybe LayoutDirection) Bindings -- should be Typings! deriving (Eq,Show,Read) ctx = Ctx Nothing emptyCtx = ctx [] newtype Module = Module Decls deriving (Show,Read) newtype Import = Import FilePath deriving (Eq,Show,Read) type Decls = [Decl] data Decl = Comment Comment | Decl Correct Defs -- a group of mutually recursive definitions | ImportDecl Import deriving (Eq,Show,Read) type Comment = String type Correct = Bool decl' = Decl True type Defs = [Def] data Def = DefA DefAttrs DefB deriving (Eq,Show,Read) data DefB = Value (Var,(Context,Exp,Exp)) -- f (x1::t1,...,xn::tn) = e :: t | Binding Binding -- x = e | Package (Var,(Context,PackageBody)) -- package p(...) ... | Open (Exp,OpenArgs) -- !! incomplete -- open e use ... | Data (Var,(Context,Constructors)) -- data D(...) = C1 .. | ... | Cn .. | Type (Var,(Context,Exp)) -- type T (x1::t1,...,xn::tn) = e | Axiom (Var,(Context,Exp)) -- postulate f (x1::t1,...,xn::tn) :: t | CommentDef String deriving (Eq,Show,Read) defA = DefA (noPosition,[],Nothing) mapDefB f (DefA da defb) = DefA da (f defb) type DefAttrs = (Position,Props,Maybe DeclDetail) type Props = [Prop] data Prop = Private | Public | Abstract | Concrete deriving (Eq,Show,Read,Enum) allProps = [Private ..] data PackageBody = PackageDef Decls | PackageInst Exp deriving (Eq,Show,Read) type OpenArgs = [OpenArg] --type OpenArg = (Var,(Maybe Exp,Maybe Var)) data OpenArg = OpenArg Props Var (Maybe Exp) (Maybe Var) -- x :: t as y deriving (Eq,Show,Read) arity :: Exp -> Int arity (EPi _ e) = 1 + arity e arity _ = 0 --absExp :: [Name] -> Exp -> Exp absExp [] e = e absExp (n:ns) e = EAbs n (absExp ns e) uAbsExp ns = absExp [n:-ePreMetaVar|n<-ns] namesDecl :: Decl -> [Var] namesDecl = defsDecl where --defsDecl :: Decl -> [Def] defsDecl (Decl _ d) = concatMap defaNames d defsDecl _ = [] defaNames (DefA _ defb) = defNames defb defNames (Value (n,_)) = [n] defNames (Binding (n,_)) = [n] defNames (Package (n,_)) = [n] defNames (Open (_,oargs)) = concatMap openDefNames oargs where openDefNames (OpenArg _ n _ optn2) = case optn2 of Nothing -> [n] Just n2 -> [n2] defNames (Data (n,_)) = [n] defNames (Type (n,_)) = [n] defNames (Axiom (n,_)) = [n] defNames (CommentDef _) = [] namesDecls = concatMap namesDecl namesCtx (Ctx _ bs) = map fst bs piExp :: [(Var,Exp)] -> Exp -> Exp piExp [] t = t piExp ((n,t):nts) t2 = EPi (n:-t) (piExp nts t2) app2 f e1 e2 = f `EApp` e1 `EApp` e2 app e1 [] = e1 app e1 (e:es) = app (EApp e1 e) es {- old: app e es = apps e (reverse es) where apps :: Exp -> Exps -> Exp apps e1 [] = e1 apps e1 (e:es) = EApp (apps e1 es) e -} typings2ctx nts = ctx [(x,t) | x:-t <- nts] ctx2typings (Ctx _ ctx) = map (uncurry (:-)) ctx
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