
Plain source file: TypeCtx.hs (Dec 06, 2000)

TypeCtx is imported by: Derive, Type, TypeLib.

module TypeCtx( buildCtx, buildDefaults, ctxsReduce, ctxsSimplify, initCtxs) where

import MergeSort(mergeSort)
import NT
import IntState
import Info
import TypeSubst
import Extra
import AssocTree
import Syntax
import TypeData
import State
import Tree234

initCtxs = []

removeTSyn state nt@(NTstrict nt') = removeTSyn state nt'
removeTSyn state nt@(NTcons c nts) =
  case lookupIS state c of
    Just (InfoData u tid exp (NewType free [] _ [nt]) (DataTypeSynonym uboxed depth)) -> -- No contex in type synonyms
	removeTSyn state (substNT (zip free nts) nt)
    _ -> nt	-- It must be an InfoData here, or we have an internal error
removeTSyn state tvar = tvar

--             Is   c  a superclass of cstart ?
scof :: IntState -> Int -> Int -> Bool
scof state c cstart =
  case lookupIS state cstart of
    Just info -> let sc = superclassesI info
                 in any (c==) sc || any (scof state c) sc

-- ctxsReduce only works on NTvar and NTexist
ctxsReduce ::  IntState -> [(Int,NT)] -> [(Int,NT)]
ctxsReduce state ctxs =
  case foldr (ctxReduce state) [] ctxs of
   ctxs ->  foldr (ctxReduce state) [] (reverse ctxs)   -- Not very nice but...

ctxReduce ::  IntState -> (Int,NT) -> [(Int,NT)] -> [(Int,NT)]
ctxReduce state ctx@(c,nt) ctxs =
  let v = stripNT nt
  in if ctx `elem` ctxs then ctxs
     else let sametvar = filter ((v==) . stripNT . snd) ctxs
          in if (any (scof state c) . map fst) sametvar
	     then ctxs
             else ctx: ctxs

ctxsSimplify state given cls_nt =
  ctxsSimplify' state given cls_nt []

--                                                                                                 Only NTvar and NTexist in result
ctxsSimplify' :: IntState -> [((Int,Int),([Int],[(Int,Int)]))] -> TypeDict -> [(Int,NT)] -> [(Int,NT)]
ctxsSimplify' state given (TypeDict cls (NTany v) ipos) r = (cls,NTvar v):r
ctxsSimplify' state given (TypeDict cls (NTvar v) ipos) r = (cls,NTvar v):r
ctxsSimplify' state given (TypeDict cls (NTexist v) ipos) r = (cls,NTexist v):r
ctxsSimplify' state given (TypeDict cls (NTstrict nt) ipos) r = -- Don't keep strictness information in ctx?
  ctxsSimplify' state given (TypeDict cls nt ipos) r
ctxsSimplify' state given (TypeDict cls nt ipos) r =
  case removeTSyn state nt of
    (NTvar v) ->  (cls,NTvar v):r
    (NTany v) ->  (cls,NTvar v):r
    (NTexist v) ->  (cls,NTexist v):r
    (NTstrict nt) ->   -- Don't keep strictness information in ctx?
      ctxsSimplify' state given (TypeDict cls nt ipos) r
    (NTcons con nts) ->
      case lookup (cls,con) given of
        Just (tvs,ctxs) -> -- A derived instance
	  foldr (ctxsSimplify' state given) r (pair2ctxs ipos tvs nts ctxs)
	Nothing ->
	  case lookupIS state cls of
	    Nothing -> error ("Internal: CtxsSimplify couldn't find the class " ++ show cls)
	    Just info -> 
	      case lookupAT (instancesI info) con of
		Just (tvs,ctxs) ->  
		  foldr (ctxsSimplify' state given) r (pair2ctxs ipos tvs nts ctxs)
		Nothing -> error ("The class " ++ strIS state cls ++
				 " has no instance for the type "
				 ++ strIS state con
				 ++ ".\nPossible sources for the problem are: "
				 ++ mixCommaAnd (map (strPos . snd) ipos))
--  (NTapp (NTvar v) nt2) -> 
--              (cls,NTapp (NTvar v) nt2):r
--  (NTapp (NTany v) nt2) -> 
--              (cls,NTapp (NTvar v) nt2):r
    (NTapp nt1 nt2) -> 
        error ("Couldn't simplify the context (" ++ strIS state cls ++ " ("
                ++ strNT (strIS state) strTVar nt1 ++ " "
                ++ strNT (strIS state) strTVar nt2
                ++ ")).\nPossible sources for the problem are: "
                ++ mixCommaAnd (map (strPos . snd) ipos))
    ent -> error ("Internal: CtxsSimplify expanded the type synonym "
                ++ show nt ++ " to " ++ show ent 
		++ "\nInternal: expected a type constructor")

pair2ctxs ipos tvs nts ctxs =
  let al = zip tvs nts
  in map ( \ (c,v) -> TypeDict c  (dropJust (lookup v al)) ipos) ctxs

--- ===================================

isVar (NTvar v) = True
isVar (NTexist v) = True
isVar _ = False

buildCtx :: IntState -> Int -> [((Int, NT), Int)] -> TypeDict -> Exp Int
buildCtx state pos given (TypeDict cls (NTany tvar) ipos)=
  buildCtx state pos given (TypeDict cls (NTvar tvar) ipos)
buildCtx state pos given (TypeDict cls nt ipos) | isVar nt =
  case lookup (cls,nt) given of
    Just i -> ExpVar pos i
    Nothing ->
      let lpis =
		( mergeSort
		. map ( \ ((p,i):_) -> (length p,p,i) )
		. filter (not.null)
		. map ( \ ((c,ntv),i) ->  ( map ( \ (c,p) -> (c:p,i) )
					. filter ((cls==).fst)
					. allSCof state
					) c)
		. filter ((nt==).snd.fst)
		) (given::[((Int,NT),Int)])
      in case lpis of
	((_,p,i):_) -> mkPath state pos (ExpVar pos i) (reverse p)
        [] -> (PatWildcard pos) -- Error message generated elsewhere, probably when deriving need
buildCtx state pos given (TypeDict cls nt ipos) =
      case removeTSyn state nt of
	nt@(NTcons con nts) ->
	  case lookupIS state cls of
	    Just info -> 
	      case lookupAT (instancesI info) con of
		Just (tvs,[]) ->  
		   mkRealCon pos state cls con
		Just (tvs,ctxs) ->  
		  ExpApplication pos (mkRealCon pos state cls con:map  (buildCtx state pos given) (pair2ctxs ipos tvs nts ctxs))
		Nothing -> (PatWildcard pos) -- Error message generated elsewhere, probably when deriving need
	nt ->
	  buildCtx state pos given (TypeDict cls nt ipos)

mkRealCon pos state cls con = Exp2 pos cls con
{- Not used since March'96 version of Haskell 1.3
 case lookupIS state con of
   Just conInfo ->
     if isRealData conInfo
     then Exp2 pos cls con
     else mkRealCon state cls (getIndDataIS state conInfo)

mkPath state pos ea (f:t:r) = mkPath state pos (ExpApplication pos [Exp2 pos f t,ea]) (t:r)  -- superclass from class
mkPath state pos ea _       = ea

--     get all super classes of c (including c itself!) in width first order

-- allSCof :: IntState -> Int ->  [(Int,[Int])]
allSCof state c = allSCof' state [(c,[])]

-- allSCof' :: IntState -> [(Int,[Int])] ->  [(Int,[Int])]
allSCof' state [] = []
allSCof' state (cp@(c,p):cs) =
  case lookupIS state c of
    Just info -> let sc = (map ( \ s -> (s,c:p)) . superclassesI) info
                 in cp : allSCof' state (cs++sc)

  -- Default does not work if it creates new dependecies, this brutal hack cannot handle arguments either!
-- findDefault :: [AssocTree Int ([b],[c])] -> [Int] -> Maybe Int
findDefault insts [] = Nothing
findDefault insts (d:ds) =
  if all ( \ inst -> case lookupAT inst d of Just ([],[]) -> True; _ -> False) insts
  then Just d
  else findDefault insts ds

-- oneDefault:: (Int,[(Int,Int)]) -> (Pos,Exp Int,[Int]) -> IntState -> ([Decl Int],IntState)
oneDefault (tvar,cis) (pos,trueExp,defaults) state =
  case  findDefault (map (instancesI . dropJust . lookupIS state .  fst) cis) defaults of
    Just con ->(map ( \ (cls,i) -> (DeclFun noPos i [Fun [] (Unguarded (mkRealCon pos state cls con)) (DeclsScc [])])) cis,state)
    Nothing -> ([],addError state ("No default for " ++ concatMap ((' ':).strIS state . fst) cis ++ " at " ++ strPos pos ++ "." 
											++ "(" ++ show tvar ++ "," ++ show cis++")"))

-- buildDefaults::Pos -> [((Int,NT),Int)] -> Exp Int -> [Int] -> IntState -> ([(Decl Int)],IntState)
buildDefaults pos defaultCtxsi trueExp defaults state =
  let setup = treeMapList (:) (foldr ( \ ((c,nt),i) t -> addAT t (++) (stripNT nt)  [(c,i)]) initAT defaultCtxsi)
      (defaultDecls,state') = mapS oneDefault setup (pos,trueExp,defaults) state
  in (concat defaultDecls,state')


(HTML for this module was generated on May 15, 2003. About the conversion tool.)