Plain source file: NT.hs (Dec 06, 2000)

NT is imported by: Case, CaseLib, DbgDataTrans, DbgTrans, Derive, DeriveBinary, DeriveBounded, DeriveEnum, DeriveEq, DeriveIx, DeriveLib, DeriveOrd, DeriveRead, DeriveShow, Export, Extract, FFITrans, FSLib, Foreign, IExtract, ImportState, Info, IntState, Lift, Nice, PrettySyntax, Remove1_3, Rename, RenameLib, Type, TypeCtx, TypeData, TypeEnv, TypeLib, TypeSubst, TypeUnify, TypeUtil.

module NT ( NT(..), NewType(..)
	, anyNT, consNT, freeNT, freshNT, polyNT, strTVar
	, sndNTvar, strNT, strictNT, transCtxs, useNT
	, contextNT, ntContext2Pair, stripNT
	) where

import Id(Id)
import Extra(mixComma,mixSpace,mix,snub,flatten)
import Char

data NewType = NoType
             | NewType [Id]       -- universally quantified type variables
                       [Id]       -- existentially quantified type variables
                       [(Id,Id)]  -- context (class, type variable)
                       [NT]       -- simple types 
                                  -- ex.: [Int,Char,Bool] = Int->Char->Bool
             deriving (Eq)

instance Show NewType where
  showsPrec d (NoType) =  showString " -- no type --"
  showsPrec d (NewType free exist ctxs nts) = 
    showString (strTVarsCtxsNTs free ctxs nts)

data NT = NTany   Id  -- can be instantiated with unboxed 
                      -- (needed during type checking)
        | NTvar   Id
        | NTexist Id
        | NTstrict NT
	| NTapp   NT NT
        | NTcons  Id [NT] 
        | NTcontext Id Id  -- context (class, type variable)
                           -- purpose here completely unclear (used?)
         deriving (Eq,Ord)

stripNT (NTany   v) = v
stripNT (NTvar   v) = v
stripNT (NTexist v) = v
stripNT (NTapp (NTvar v) nt ) = v
stripNT nt = error ("stripNT on " ++ show nt)

strictNT (NTstrict _) = True
strictNT _ = False

ntContext2Pair (NTcontext c a) = (c,a)

contextNT (NTcontext _ _) = True
contextNT  _ = False

{- Determine the type constructors that occur in the given type -}
consNT :: NT -> [Id]

consNT nt =
  consNT' nt []
  consNT' (NTstrict nt) r = consNT' nt r
  consNT' (NTapp t1 t2) r = consNT' t1 (consNT' t2 r)
  consNT' (NTcons c nts) r = c:foldr consNT' r nts
  consNT' _ r = r

Same as consNT except that constructor from NTcontext goes also into result.
used only in module Export 
useNT :: NT -> [Id]

useNT (NTany  a) = []
useNT (NTvar  a) = []
useNT (NTexist a) = []
useNT (NTstrict t) = useNT t
useNT (NTapp t1 t2) =  useNT t1 ++ useNT t2
useNT (NTcons a tas) =  a:concatMap useNT tas
useNT (NTcontext c v) =  [c]

{- Determine type variables that occur in given type. -}
freeNT :: NT -> [Id]

freeNT (NTany  a) = [a]
freeNT (NTvar  a) = [a]
freeNT (NTexist a) = [a]
freeNT (NTstrict t) = freeNT t
freeNT (NTapp t1 t2) =  freeNT t1 ++ freeNT t2
freeNT (NTcons a tas) =  concat (map freeNT tas)

Exchange type variables according to given mapping in given type. 
(not existentially quantified vars.
freshNT :: (Id -> Id) -> NT -> NT

freshNT tv (NTany  a) = NTany (tv a)
freshNT tv (NTvar  a) = NTvar (tv a)
freshNT tv t@(NTexist  a) = t
freshNT tv (NTstrict t) = {- NTstrict -}  (freshNT tv t)
freshNT tv (NTapp t1 t2) =  NTapp (freshNT tv t1) (freshNT tv t2)
freshNT tv (NTcons a tas) =  NTcons a (map (freshNT tv) tas)
freshNT tv (NTcontext c v) =  NTcontext c (tv v)

anyNT av t@(NTany  a) = t
anyNT av t@(NTvar  a) = if a `elem` av then NTany a else t
anyNT av t@(NTexist a) = t
anyNT av (NTstrict t) = NTstrict (anyNT av t)
anyNT av (NTapp t1 t2) =  NTapp (anyNT av t1) (anyNT av t2)
anyNT av (NTcons a tas) =  NTcons a (map (anyNT av) tas)

polyNT fv t@(NTany  a) = if a `elem` fv then NTvar a else t
polyNT fv t@(NTvar  a) = t
polyNT fv t@(NTexist a) = t
polyNT fv (NTstrict t) = NTstrict (polyNT fv t)
polyNT fv (NTapp t1 t2) = NTapp (polyNT fv t1) (polyNT fv t2)
polyNT fv (NTcons a tas) = NTcons a (map (polyNT fv) tas)

transCtxs tv tc ctxs = map ( \ (c,v) -> (tc c,tv v)) ctxs 

{- Show function for NT, parameterised by show functions for 
constructors/class names and for type variables.
strNT :: (Int -> String) -> (Int -> String) -> NT -> String

strNT c p (NTany  a) = p a++"#"
strNT c p (NTvar  a) = p a
strNT c p (NTexist a) = p a++"?"
strNT c p (NTstrict t) = "!" ++ strNT c p t
strNT c p (NTapp t1 t2) = "(" ++ strNT c p t1  ++ " " ++ strNT c p t2 ++ ")"
strNT c p (NTcons a []) = c a
strNT c p (NTcons a tas) = "(" ++ c a ++ " " ++ mixSpace (map (strNT c p) tas) ++ ")"
strNT c p (NTcontext a v) = "(" ++ c a ++ " " ++ p a ++ ") => "

instance Show NT where
  showsPrec d nt = ((strNT show (show ::(Int->String)) nt)++)

strTVar v = let cv =  toEnum (v + fromEnum 'a')
            in if 'a' <= cv && cv <= 'z'
	       then [cv]
	       else toEnum (v`mod`26 + fromEnum 'a'):'_':show (v`div`26)
	--     else '_':show v

strCtxs ::  [(Int,Int)] -> String
strCtxs [] = ""
strCtxs ctxs = "(" ++ mixComma (map ( \ (c,v) -> show c ++ ' ':strTVar v ) ctxs) ++ ") => "

strTVs [] = ""
strTVs tvs =  "\\/ " ++ mixSpace (map strTVar tvs) ++ " . "

strTVarsCtxsNT tvs ctxs nt =  
  strTVs tvs ++ strCtxs ctxs ++ strNT show strTVar nt

strTVarsCtxsNTs tvs ctxs [] =  strTVs tvs ++ strCtxs ctxs ++ " -"
strTVarsCtxsNTs tvs ctxs nts =  
  strTVs tvs ++ strCtxs ctxs ++ mix " -> " (map (strNT show strTVar) nts)

sndNTvar (c,v) = (c,NTvar v) -- used for ctxs


(HTML for this module was generated on May 15, 2003. About the conversion tool.)