
Plain source file: TypeSubst.hs (Oct 03, 2000)

TypeSubst is imported by: DbgTrans, FFITrans, Type, TypeCtx, TypeLib, TypeUnify, TypeUtil.

{- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Handling of type substitutions.
They substitute NTs for Ids.
module TypeSubst(Substitute(..),idSubst,AssocTree(..),Tree,substEnv,substCtxs,stripSubst,addSubst,applySubst,list2Subst,strace,substNT) where 

import NT(NT(..),NewType(..),freeNT)
import Extra(fstOf,dropJust,strace)
import TypeData
import AssocTree
import Tree234
import Id(Id)

forceList [] c = c
forceList (x:xs) c = seq x (forceList xs c)

type NTSubst = AssocTree Id NT

idSubst :: NTSubst

idSubst = initAT

subst does not just apply the mapping represented by the tree once,
but it applies the idempotent closure of the mapping!
substNT below only applies the mapping once.

class Substitute a where
  subst :: NTSubst -> a -> a

instance Substitute NT where
  subst phi nt@(NTany v)    =
    case lookupAT phi v of
      Just nt -> subst phi nt
      Nothing -> nt
  subst phi nt@(NTvar v)    =
    case lookupAT phi v of
      Just nt -> subst phi nt
      Nothing -> nt
  subst phi nt@(NTexist v)    =
  subst phi (NTcons con ts) =
      let ts' = map (subst phi) ts
      in forceList ts' (NTcons con ts')
  subst phi (NTapp t1 t2) =
     let t2' = subst phi t2
     in seq t2'
        (case subst phi t1 of
	  NTcons con ts ->
            (NTcons con (ts ++ [t2']))
          t -> NTapp t t2'
  subst phi nt@(NTcontext con v) = nt

instance Substitute NewType where
  subst phi (NewType free [] ctxs ts) =
    let ts' = map (subst phi) ts
    in forceList ts' (NewType free [] ctxs ts')

instance Substitute  TypeDict where
  subst phi (TypeDict c nt ip) =
    let nt' = subst phi nt
    in seq nt' (TypeDict c nt' ip)

substEnv phi env = map ( \ (e,nt) -> (e,subst phi nt)) env
substCtxs phi ctxs = map (subst phi) ctxs

applySubst phi tvar =
  case lookupAT phi tvar of
    Just nt@(NTvar tvar) -> applySubst' phi nt tvar
    Just nt@(NTany tvar) -> applySubst' phi nt tvar
    Just nt -> Just nt
    Nothing -> Nothing
   applySubst' phi nt tvar =
     case lookupAT phi tvar of
       Just nt@(NTvar tvar) -> applySubst' phi nt tvar
       Just nt@(NTany tvar) -> applySubst' phi nt tvar
       Just nt -> Just nt
       Nothing -> Just nt

stripSubst :: NTSubst -> Id -> NTSubst

stripSubst phi tvar = phi -- nhc98 doesn't strip substitutions

addSubst :: NTSubst -> Id -> NT -> NTSubst

addSubst phi tvar t =
   addAT phi (\ a b -> error ("Two mappings for " ++ show tvar ++ " : " ++ show a ++ " and " ++ show b)) tvar t

list2Subst :: [(Id,NT)] -> NTSubst

list2Subst xs = foldr ( \ (v,nt) phi -> addSubst phi v nt) idSubst xs

substNT only goes one step, used for (1->2),(2->1) substitutions in TypeCtx

substNT :: [(Id,NT)] -> NT -> NT

substNT tv (NTany  a) = dropJust (lookup a tv)
substNT tv (NTvar  a) = dropJust (lookup a tv)
substNT tv t@(NTexist a) = t
substNT tv (NTstrict t) = NTstrict (substNT tv t)
substNT tv (NTapp t1 t2) =  NTapp (substNT tv t1) (substNT tv t2)
substNT tv (NTcons a tas) =  NTcons a (map (substNT tv) tas)


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