
Plain source file: TypeUnify.hs (Jan 30, 2001)

TypeUnify is imported by: Type, TypeLib.

{- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
The main unification functions for NTs
module TypeUnify(unify,unifyr) where

import NT(NT(..),NewType(..),freeNT,strNT)
import IdKind
import TypeSubst
import TypeUtil
import TypeData
import TokenId(TokenId(..))
import PackedString(PackedString)
import Info
import IntState
import Id(Id)

unify :: IntState -> Tree (Id,NT) -> (NT,NT) 
      -> Either (Tree (Id,NT),String) (Tree (Id,NT))

unify state phi (t1@(NTany tvn1),t2) =
  case applySubst phi tvn1 of
    Nothing     -> extend phi tvn1 (subst phi t2)
    Just phitvn -> unify state phi (phitvn,subst phi t2)

unify state phi (t1@(NTvar tvn1),(NTany tvn2)) =
  case applySubst phi tvn2 of
    Nothing     -> extend phi tvn2 (subst phi t1)
    Just phitvn -> unify state phi (phitvn,subst phi t1)

unify state phi (t1@(NTvar tvn1),t2) =
  case applySubst phi tvn1 of
    Nothing     -> extendV state phi tvn1 (subst phi t2)
    Just phitvn -> unify state phi (phitvn,subst phi t2)

unify state phi (t1@(NTcons _ _),t2@(NTany tvn2)) =
  case applySubst phi tvn2 of
    Nothing     -> extend phi tvn2 (subst phi t1)
    Just phitvn -> unify state phi (phitvn,subst phi t1)

unify state phi (t1@(NTcons _ _),t2@(NTvar tvn2)) =
  case applySubst phi tvn2 of
    Nothing     -> extendV state phi tvn2 (subst phi t1)
    Just phitvn -> unify state phi (phitvn,subst phi t1)

unify state phi (t1@(NTcons c1 ts1),t2@(NTcons c2 ts2)) =
  if c1 == c2 
  then if length ts1 == length ts2 -- length check because of constructor classes
       then unifyl state phi (zip ts1 ts2)
         case lookupIS state c1 of
           Just info ->
             Left (phi, "can not unify " ++ show (tidI info) ++ " with " ++ 
                        show (length ts1) ++ " and " ++ show (length ts2) ++ 
                        " arguments")
    case (unifyExpand state c1,unifyExpand state c2) of
      (Left s1       ,Left s2       )          -> 
        Left (phi,"type clash between " ++ s1 ++ " and " ++ s2)
      (Left  _       ,Right (d2,nt2))          -> 
        unify state phi (t1            ,expand nt2 ts2)
      (Right (d1,nt1),Left _        )          -> 
        unify state phi (expand nt1 ts1,t2            )
      (Right (d1,nt1),Right (d2,nt2)) | d2<=d1 -> 
        unify state phi (expand nt1 ts1,t2            )
      (Right (d1,nt1),Right (d2,nt2))          -> 
        unify state phi (t1            ,expand nt2 ts2)

unify state phi (t1@(NTcons c1 ts1),t2@(NTapp ta2 tb2)) =
  case expandAll state t1 of
    t1@(NTcons c1 ts1) ->
--      strace ("unify(1) " ++ show t1 ++ " " ++ show t2) $
      case ts1 of
        [] ->
          case lookupIS state c1 of
            Just info ->
              Left (phi, "type clash between type applicationa and " ++ show (tidI info))
        _ ->  unifyl state phi [(NTcons c1 (init ts1),ta2),(last ts1,tb2)]

unify state phi (t1@(NTapp ta1 tb1),t2@(NTany tvn2)) =
--  strace ("unify(2) " ++ show t1 ++ " " ++ show t2) $
  case applySubst phi tvn2 of
    Nothing     -> extend phi tvn2 (subst phi t1)
    Just phitvn -> unify state phi (phitvn,subst phi t1)

unify state phi (t1@(NTapp ta1 tb1),t2@(NTvar tvn2)) =
--  strace ("unify(3) " ++ show t1 ++ " " ++ show t2) $
  case applySubst phi tvn2 of
    Nothing     -> extend phi tvn2 (subst phi t1)
    Just phitvn -> unify state phi (phitvn,subst phi t1)

unify state phi (t1@(NTapp ta1 tb1),t2@(NTcons c2 ts2)) =
  case expandAll state t2 of
    t2@(NTcons c2 ts2) ->
--      strace ("unify(4) " ++ show t1 ++ " " ++ show t2) $
      case ts2 of
	[] ->
	  case lookupIS state c2 of
	    Just info ->
	      Left (phi, "type clash between " ++ show (tidI info) ++ " and type application ")
	_ -> unifyl state phi [(ta1,NTcons c2 (init ts2)),(tb1,last ts2)]

unify state phi (t1@(NTapp ta1 tb1),t2@(NTapp ta2 tb2)) =
--  strace ("unify(5) " ++ show t1 ++ " " ++ show t2) $
  unifyl state phi [(ta1,ta2),(tb1,tb2)]

unify state phi (t1@(NTexist tvn1),(NTexist tvn2)) =
  if tvn1 == tvn2 then
    Right phi
   Left (phi,"type clash between existential types")

unify state phi ((NTexist _),(NTcons c _)) =
  case lookupIS state c of
    Just info ->
      Left (phi, "type clash between " ++ show (tidI info) ++ " and existential type ")

unify state phi ((NTcons c _),(NTexist _)) =
  case lookupIS state c of
    Just info ->
      Left (phi, "type clash between " ++ show (tidI info) ++ " and existential type ")

unify state phi ((NTexist _),(NTapp _ _)) =
   Left (phi,"type clash between existential type and type application")

unify state phi ((NTapp _ _),(NTexist _)) =
   Left (phi,"type clash between existential type and type application")

unify state phi (t1@(NTexist e),t2@(NTany tvn2)) =
-- strace ("unify exist " ++ show e ++ " any " ++ show tvn2) $ 
  case applySubst phi tvn2 of
    Nothing     -> extend phi tvn2 (subst phi t1)
    Just phitvn -> unify state phi (phitvn,subst phi t1)

unify state phi (t1@(NTexist e),t2@(NTvar tvn2)) =
-- strace ("unify exist " ++ show e ++ " var " ++ show tvn2) $ 
  case applySubst phi tvn2 of
    Nothing     -> extendV state phi tvn2 (subst phi t1)
    Just phitvn -> unify state phi (phitvn,subst phi t1)

unify state phi _ = error "unify phi _"

unifyl :: IntState -> Tree (Id,NT) -> [(NT,NT)] 
       -> Either (Tree (Id,NT),String) (Tree (Id,NT))

unifyl state phi eqns = foldr unify' (Right phi) eqns
            unify' eqn (Right phi) = unify state  phi eqn
            unify' eqn (Left err) = Left err

{- unify a list of NTs from left to right -}

unifyr :: IntState -> Tree (Id,NT) -> [NT] 
       -> Either (Tree (Id,NT),String) (Tree (Id,NT))

unifyr state phi [] = Right phi
unifyr state phi [e] = Right phi
unifyr state phi (e1:e2:es) =
       case unify state  phi (e1,e2) of
          Left err -> Left err
          Right phi' -> unifyr state phi' (e1:es)


expandAll state t@(NTcons tcon ts) =
  case unifyExpand state tcon of
    Left _ -> t
    Right (d,nt) -> expandAll state (expand nt ts)
expandAll state t = t

If tcon is a type synoym, then unifyExpand returns the depth and the
definition body of the type synoym.
Otherwise it returns the printable name of tcon.
unifyExpand :: IntState -> Id -> Either String (Int,NewType)

unifyExpand state tcon =
    case lookupIS state tcon of
      Just info ->
        case depthI info of
          Just d -> Right (d,ntI info)
	  Nothing -> Left (show (tidI info))

Replaces the free variables of the type given as first argument by
the types given as second argument.
Precondition: no free variable of the first type should occur in any
of the other types (ids of their free variables should be higher).
Otherwise evaluation of the function will not terminate.

expand :: NewType -> [NT] -> NT

expand (NewType free [] ctxs [nt]) ts = subst (list2Subst (zip free ts)) nt

extendV :: IntState -> Tree (Id,NT) -> Id -> NT 
        -> Either (Tree (Id,NT),String) (Tree (Id,NT))

extendV state phi tvn t@(NTcons c _) =
  if unboxedIS state c then
   Left (phi,"polymorphic type variable bound to unboxed data " ++ strIS state c)
   extend phi tvn t
extendV state phi tvn t = 
 extend phi tvn t

extend phi tvn t@(NTany tvn') =
  if tvn' == tvn
  then Right phi
  else Right (addSubst phi tvn  t)
extend phi tvn t@(NTvar tvn') =
  if tvn' == tvn
  then Right phi
  else Right (addSubst phi tvn  t)
extend phi tvn t | tvn `elem` freeNT t =
       Left (phi,"(type-variable occurrence check fails)")
extend phi tvn t@(NTcons c _) =
   Right (addSubst phi tvn t)
extend phi tvn t = Right (addSubst phi tvn t)


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