PfeTransformCmds is imported by: Main{-pfe/pfe.hs-}, PPfeCmds.
module PfeTransformCmds where import Pfe3Cmds(pp'') import PfeParse(moduleArg) import PFE_StdNames(getStdNames,prelValue,getPrelValue) import RemovePatBinds --import RemoveIrrefPats -- appers not to be reusable in extensions! import SimpPatMatch(simpAllPatMatch,getSimpPatIds) import SimpFunBind(simpAllFunBind) import BetaReduce(beta) import HsModuleMaps(mapDecls) import Substitute(mapExp) import PNT(PNT) import TiNames(localVal) --import StateM import TiPNT() -- to get instances for ValueId PNT pfeTransformCmds = [("rmpatbind", (moduleArg rmpatbind, "remove pattern bindings")), -- ("rmirrpat", (moduleArg rmirrpat, "remove irrefutable patterns")), -- ("onlynested",(moduleArg onlynested, "remove pattern bindings and irrefutable patterns")), ("patmatch", (moduleArg patmatch, "simplify pattern matches")), ("funbind", (moduleArg funbind, "simplify function bindings")), ("rmbeta", (moduleArg rmbeta, "reduce outermost beta redexes")) ] rmpatbind m = do pErr <- getPrelValue "error" pp'' (mapDecls (remPatBinds' pErr bind_names)) id m --rmirrpat = pp'' (removeIrrefPats arg_names) id --onlynested = pp'' (remPatBinds' bind_names . removeIrrefPats arg_names) id arg_names, bind_names :: [PNT] arg_names = [ localVal ("arg" ++ show n) | n <- [1..]] bind_names = [ localVal ("bind" ++ show n) | n <- [1..]] patmatch m = do stdName <- getStdNames ids <- getSimpPatIds (prelValue stdName) pp'' (simpAllPatMatch ids.mapDecls simpAllFunBind) id m funbind = pp'' (mapDecls simpAllFunBind) id rmbeta = pp'' (mapDecls (mapExp beta)) id
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