PFE_StdNames is imported by: PFE_Rewrites, PfeTransformCmds.
Some source transformations need to refer to entities defined in the Prelude or other standard library modules.
module PFE_StdNames where import List(intersect) import TypedIds(NameSpace(..),namespace) import HsConstants(mod_Prelude,mod_Ix) import PFE0(allModules) import PFE2(getExports) import TiNames(topName) import ScopeModule(origName) import HasBaseName(getBaseName) import HsIdent(HsIdentI(..)) import SourceNames(fakeSN) import Relations(applyRel) import WorkModule(Ent(..)) import PrettyPrint(pp,(<+>),(<>)) import MUtils(( # )) stdValue stdName m n = stdName ValueNames (m,n) prelValue stdName = stdValue stdName mod_Prelude getPrelValue n = getStdValue mod_Prelude n getStdValue m n = do stdName <- getStdNames stdValue stdName m n getStdNames = --pfe4 $ do allms <- allModules stdNames . prune # getExports (Just (stdms `intersect` allms)) where prune = filter ((`elem` stdms).fst) stdms = [mod_Prelude,mod_Ix] stdNames es ns (m,n) = maybe merr (find n . snd) (lookup m es) where merr = fail $ pp $ "Standard library module not avaialble:"<+>m find n exprel = case filter ((==ns).namespace) $ applyRel exprel (fakeSN n) of [e] -> return (ent2pnt e) [] -> fail $ pp $ "Standard entity not avaialble:"<+>m<>"."<>n _ -> fail $ pp $ "Standard entity is ambiguous:"<+>m<>"."<>n ent2pnt (Ent m (HsCon i) t) = HsCon (topName Nothing m (bn i) (origt m t)) ent2pnt (Ent m (HsVar i) t) = HsVar (topName Nothing m (bn i) (origt m t)) bn i = getBaseName i origt m = fmap (osub m) osub m n = origName n m n
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