TiDefinedNames is imported by: TI, TiBySuper, TiInstanceDB, TiSCC, BaseStruct2Stratego2, PFEdeps.
module TiDefinedNames( module TiDefinedNames,DefinedNames(..),MapDefinedNames(..)) where import DefinedNames hiding (definedType) import Maybe(mapMaybe,listToMaybe) import HsIdent import MUtils(( # )) -- Defined to minic the instances of the deprecated class DefinedVars... valueNames = mapMaybe valueName valueName (n,t) = case t of Value -> Just n Property -> Just n Assertion -> Just n _ -> Nothing valuesNames' = mapMaybe valueName' valueName' (n,t) = case t of Value -> Just n Property -> Just n Assertion -> Just n ConstrOf {} -> Just n FieldOf {} -> Just n MethodOf {} -> Just n _ -> Nothing valueIdent (n,t) = case t of Value -> Just (HsVar n) Property -> Just (HsCon n) Assertion -> Just (HsCon n) ConstrOf {} -> Just (HsCon n) FieldOf {} -> Just (HsVar n) MethodOf {} -> Just (HsVar n) _ -> Nothing typeNames = mapMaybe typeName typeName (n,t) = case t of Class {} -> Just n Type {} -> Just n _ -> Nothing typeIdent (n,t) = case t of Class {} -> Just (HsCon n) Type {} -> Just (HsCon n) _ -> Nothing definedValueNames x = valueNames . definedNames $ x definedTypeNames x = typeNames . definedNames $ x definedType x = maybe err id (optDefinedType x) where err = error ("definedType "++show x) optDefinedType x = listToMaybe . definedTypeNames $ x -- hmm definedTypeName t = tn where HsCon tn = definedType t optDefinedTypeName t = unCon # optDefinedType t where unCon (HsCon tn) = tn definedNamesSplit x = (typeNames ns,valueNames ns) where ns = definedNames x patternVars p = filter isHsVar (definedValueNames p)
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