PFEdeps is imported by: StrategoCmds, PfeDepCmds, Main{-pfe/pfe.hs-}, IsabelleCmds, PPfeCmds, PfePropCmds.
module PFEdeps( PFE5MT,runPFE5,clean5,getSt5ext,updSt5ext,setSt5ext, --Dep,Deps,deps0, tdepModules,tdepModules',depModules,depModules', tdefinedNames,isDefaultDecl,isInstDecl,splitDecls) where import Prelude hiding (readFile,readIO) import Maybe(fromMaybe) import List(nub,sort) import HsModule import HsIdent(getHSName,HsIdentI(..)) import HasBaseStruct(basestruct,hsTypeSig,hsInfixDecl) import HasBaseName(getBaseName) import HsDeclStruct(DI(..)) import SrcLoc(srcLoc) import TypedIds(IdTy(..)) import QualNames(mkUnqual) import PNT(PNT(..)) import UniqueNames(noSrcLoc) --import TiNames(idTy) --import TiModule() -- instance HasIdTy PNT -- grr! import PFE0 import PFE2(getModuleTime) import PFE3(parseModule) import PFE4(PFE4MT,getSt4ext,updSt4ext,clean4,runPFE4,typeCheckModule) import TiClasses(fromDefs) import TiNames(instName,defaultName,derivedInstName) import DefinedNames(definedNames,addName,classMethods,contextSize) import TiDefinedNames(definedTypeName) import FreeNames(freeNames) --freeValues import PrettyPrint import MUtils import AbstractIO import FileUtils import DirUtils(optCreateDirectory,getModificationTimeMaybe,rmR) type Dep n = [([n],([n],[Hash]))] -- tricky to use correctly, should be abstract!! type Deps n = [(ModuleName,(ClockTime,Dep n))] type Deps2 n = (Deps n,Deps n) deps0 = [] :: Deps n type PFE5MT n i1 i2 ds1 ds2 ext m = PFE4MT n i1 i2 ds1 ds2 (Deps2 i2,ext) m runPFE5 ext = runPFE4 ((deps0,deps0),ext) getSt5 :: Monad m => PFE5MT n i1 i2 ds1 ds2 ext m (Deps2 i2) updSt5 :: Monad m => Upd (Deps2 i2)->PFE5MT n i1 i2 ds1 ds2 ext m () getSt5ext :: Monad m => PFE5MT n i1 i2 ds1 ds2 ext m ext updSt5ext :: Monad m => Upd ext->PFE5MT n i1 i2 ds1 ds2 ext m () getSt5 = fst # getSt4ext updSt5 = updSt4ext . apFst setSt5 = updSt5 . const getSt5ext = snd # getSt4ext updSt5ext = updSt4ext . apSnd setSt5ext = updSt5ext . const type Hash = Int hash = checksum . quickrender . withPPEnv hashmode . ppi where checksum = foldr (\c h->3*h+fromEnum c) 0 hashmode = defaultMode{layoutType=PPNoLayout,typeInfo=False} -- Compute the dependency info for all modules in the project: depModules = depModules' Nothing tdepModules = tdepModules' Nothing -- Update the dependeny info for a selected set of modules in the project: depModules' optms = do (olddeps,oldtdeps) <- getSt5 newdeps <- depModules'' olddeps syntaxDeps optms setSt5 (newdeps,oldtdeps) return newdeps where syntaxDeps = (depFile,untypedParse,True) untypedParse = fmap dup . parseModule' tdepModules' optms = do (olddeps,oldtdeps) <- getSt5 newtdeps <- depModules'' oldtdeps typedDeps optms setSt5 (olddeps,newtdeps) return newtdeps where typedDeps = (tdepFile,typedParse,False) typedParse m = (,) # parseModule' m <# typeCheckModule m -- The module is parsed twice! parseModule' = fmap snd . parseModule depModules'' olddeps depsrc optms = do optCreateDirectory `projPath` depdir ms <- maybe allModules return optms updateDeps depsrc olddeps ms updateDeps (depFile,parseMod,allInst) olddeps ms = do newdeps <- mapM upd ms let changed = map fst newdeps deps = newdeps++filter ((`notElem` changed).fst) olddeps return deps where upd m = do let olddep = lookup m olddeps t <- getModuleTime m if t `newerThan` (fst # olddep) then do dept <- maybeF getModificationTimeMaybe depf if t `newerThan` dept then again else useOld dept else return (m,fromJust' "PFEdeps.hs:124" olddep) where depf = depFile m again = do epput $ "Extracting dependencies:"<+>m dep <- dependencies allInst # parseMod m t <- updateDep depf dep return (m,(t,dep)) useOld dept = do dir <- fromJust' "PFEdeps.hs:120" # projectDir let path = depf dir ret dep = return (m,(fromJust' "PFEdeps.hs:123" dept,dep)) --ret . read'' path =<< readFile path -- lazy maybe again ret =<< maybeM (readIO =<< readFile path) -- strict updateDep depf dep = do optdir <- projectDir case optdir of Nothing -> getClockTime Just dir -> do updated <- updateFile' (depf dir) (show dep) getModificationTime (depf dir)
The hash is computed from the source AST, while the set of free names in a declaration is computed from the type checked AST, to catch dependencies on instances, which are made explicit by the dictionary translation. Things like derived instances that do not appear in the source code will be assigned hash value [].
dependencies allInst (untyped,typed) = udeps++deps where deps0 = [(rdefs d,rfree d)|d<-fromDefs (hsModDecls typed)] udeps = [([],(fvs,[]))|([],fvs@(_:_))<-deps0] deps1 = mapSnd (nub.concat) $ collectByFst [(n,fvs)|(ns,fvs)<-deps0,n<-ns] deps = [([n],(fvs,findHash n))|(n,fvs)<-deps1] findHash n = nub $ sort [h|(n',h)<-hs,n'==n] hs = [(n,h)|d<-fromDefs (hsModDecls untyped),let h=hash d,n<-rdefs d] mn = getBaseName (hsModName typed) rdefs = map getHSName . tdefinedNames allInst mn rfree = restrict . tfreeNames mn restrict = nub . concatMap (addowner.getHSName) --restrict = map getHSName addowner x = if o==x then [x] else [o,x] where o = owner x -- Map subordinate names to their owner (reduces the total number of names): owner x = case idty x of ConstrOf t ty -> pnt t (Type ty) FieldOf t ty -> pnt t (Type ty) MethodOf c n ms -> pnt c (Class n ms) _ -> x where pnt t idty = PNT (mkUnqual t) idty noSrcLoc idty (PNT _ ty _) = ty -- To track dependencies on instances, include the names assigned to -- instances by the type checker. -- Also, to keep relevant type signatures and infix declarations, pretend that -- they are part of the definitions of the identifiers the mention. tdefinedNames allInst m d = case basestruct d of Just (HsInstDecl s optn ctx inst ds) -> if allInst then [] else [HsVar n] where n = fromMaybe (instName m s inst) optn Just (HsTypeSig s is c t) -> map HsVar is Just (HsInfixDecl s f is) -> is _ -> ns where ns = map fst (definedNames (addName d)) {- Since the type checker lifts default methods out from the class declaration to the top level, we make the class declaration depend on the default methods, under the assumption that they will be included in slices if the class is included... -} tfreeNames m d = case basestruct d of Just (HsDataDecl s c tp cs cls) -> [HsVar (derivedInstName m cl tn)|cl<-cls]++ns where tn = definedTypeName tp Just (HsClassDecl s c t fd ds) -> map fst (freeNames d)++map (fmap defaultName) methods where methods = map fst (classMethods undefined (contextSize c) ds) _ -> ns where ns = map fst (freeNames d) isDefaultDecl d = case basestruct d of Just (HsDefaultDecl{}) -> True _ -> False isInstDecl d = case basestruct d of Just (HsInstDecl{}) -> True _ -> False
To make it ease to include the right infix declarations and type signatures, split them. For example, if * is needed but / is not, you can't keep or throw away all of the infix declaration "infixl 7 *,/".
splitDecls = concatMap splitDecl splitDecl d = case basestruct d of Just (HsTypeSig s is c t) -> [hsTypeSig s [i] c t|i<-is] Just (HsInfixDecl s f is) -> [hsInfixDecl s f [i]|i<-is] _ -> [d] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- clean5 = withProjectDir clean where clean dir = do rmR [depdir dir] clean4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- depdir dir=dir++"dep/" depFile m dir = depdir dir++moduleInfoPath m++".g" tdepFile m dir = depdir dir++moduleInfoPath m++".tg" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(HTML for this module was generated on 2009-01-04. About the conversion tool.)