TiDinst is imported by: TiClassInst2.
Some definitions to support type annotations and the dictionary translation for base language declarations (the D structure).
module TiDinst where import Maybe(isJust) import HsDeclStruct import HsDeclMaps(mapDI) import HsGuardsStruct(HsRhs(..)) import HasBaseStruct import SubstituteBaseStruct import Substitute import TI hiding (Subst) import TiDkc(Dinst) import MUtils(( # )) instance (Types i e,Types i p,Types i ds) => Types i (Dinst i e p ds) where tmap f = mapDI id (tmap f) (tmap f) (tmap f) f (map f) id instance (HasId i p,HasCoreSyntax i p) => HasAbstr i (Dinst i e p ds) where abstract [] d = d abstract xs d = case d of HsFunBind s matches -> HsFunBind s (abstract xs matches) HsPatBind s p rhs ds -> case isVar p of Just x -> HsFunBind s [abstract xs (HsMatch s x [] rhs ds)] _ -> error (show s++": Bug in TiD.hs: tried to overload a pattern binding.") _ -> d -- HsPrimitiveTypeDecl s cntxt nm -> -- HsPrimitiveBind s nm t -> instance (HasBaseStruct d (Dinst i e p ds),HasCoreSyntax i p,HasDef ds d, Eq i,FreeNames i e,FreeNames i ds,FreeNames i p, HasId i e,MapExp e ds,Subst i e, AddDeclsType i ds) => HasLocalDef i e (Dinst i e p ds) where letvar x@(i:>:_) e d = case d of HsFunBind s matches -> HsFunBind s (letvar x e matches) HsPatBind s p rhs ds -> if in_p || HsVar i `elem` freeVars (rhs,ds) then if in_p || not is_id then -- No substitution in patterns yet (for overloaded literals) HsPatBind s p rhs (appendDef (letvarD s x e) ds) else esubst1 var e i d else d where in_p = HsVar i `elem` freeVars p is_id = isJust (isId e) _ -> d -- !! instance HasCoreSyntax i p => HasAbstr i (HsMatchI i e p ds) where abstract xs (HsMatch s n ps rhs ds) = HsMatch s n (map var xs++ps) rhs ds instance (HasBaseStruct d (Dinst i e p ds),HasCoreSyntax i p,HasDef ds d, Eq i,FreeNames i e,FreeNames i ds,FreeNames i p, HasId i e,MapExp e ds,Subst i e, AddDeclsType i ds) => HasLocalDef i e (HsMatchI i e p ds) where letvar x@(i:>:_) e m@(HsMatch s n ps rhs ds) = if in_p || HsVar i `elem` freeVars (rhs,ds) then if in_p || not is_id then m' -- No substitution in patterns yet (for overloaded literals) else esubst1 var e i m else m where m' = HsMatch s n ps rhs (appendDef (letvarD s x e) ds) in_p = HsVar i `elem` freeVars ps is_id = isJust (isId e) letvarD s (x:>:t) e = addDeclsType ([],[HsVar x:>:mono t]) $ oneDef (hsSimpleBind s x e) hsSimpleBind s x e = hsSimpleBind' s x e noDef hsSimpleBind' s x e = hsPatBind s (var x) (HsBody e)
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