TiDkc is imported by: TiClassInst2, TiD, TiDinst, TiDs.
-- Kind checking for base langauge declarations (the D structure)
module TiDkc where import List(nub,(\\)) import Maybe(mapMaybe) import HsDeclStruct import HsExpStruct(EI) import HsDeclMaps(accConDecl,mapFunDeps,seqFunDeps) import FreeNamesBase() -- instance for HsType import SrcLoc(srcLoc) import TI import TiKEnv(domain) import TiT(kcPred,kcStar,kcCheck) import MUtils import PrettyPrint(pp) -- Type checking is restricted to these instances of the D & E structures: type Dinst i e p ds = DI i e p ds (Type i) [Pred i] (Type i) type Einst i e p ds = EI i e p ds (Type i) [Pred i] instance (KindCheck i d ()) => KindCheck i [d] () where kc = mapM_ kc instance (TypeVar i,{-DeclInfo i ds,-}KindCheck i ds ()) => KindCheck i (Dinst i e p ds) () where kc = kiD kc_ d = kc d -- >> done {- kiDs :: (DeclInfo [d],KindCheck [d] ()) => [Dinst e p [d]] -> KI [Typing QId (Kind,TypeInfo)] -} {- kiD :: (DeclInfo [d],KindCheck [d] ()) => Dinst e p [d] -> KI (KInfo i) -} kiD d = posContext' (srcLoc d) "(kind check)" $ case d of HsTypeDecl s tp t -> kcType tp t HsNewTypeDecl s ctx tp cd drv -> kcData ctx tp $ kcCD cd HsDataDecl s ctx tp cds drv -> kcData ctx tp $ mapM_ kcCD cds HsClassDecl s c tp fdeps ds -> kcClass c tp fdeps ds $ kc_ ds HsInstDecl s optn c tp ds -> kcInst c tp ds HsDefaultDecl s t -> mapM_ kcStar t -- >> return [] -- hmm HsTypeSig s nms c tp -> kcSig c tp HsFunBind s matches -> done --return [] HsPatBind s p rhs ds -> done --return [] HsInfixDecl s fixity names -> done --return [] HsPrimitiveTypeDecl s ctx tp -> kcData ctx tp done HsPrimitiveBind s nm tp -> kcSig (tail [tp]) tp kcInst ctx tp ds = do kcLhs kpred ctx tp $ done kc ds -- there shouldn't be any explicit type info here to check, but ... kcType tp t = do k <- fresh kcLhs k [] tp (kcCheck k t) kcData ctx tp rhs = kcLhs kstar ctx tp rhs kcClass ctx tp fdeps ds rhs = kcLhs kpred ctx tp rhs kcLhs :: TypeVar i => Kind -> [Pred i] -> Type i -> KI i () -> KI i () kcLhs k ctx tp rhs = do vs <- return [] --kintro (freeTyvars (ctx,tp)) extendkts vs $ do mapM_ kcPred ctx k' <- kc tp k'=*=k rhs kcCD cd = accConDecl ((>>).kcStar) ((>>).mapM_ kcPred) cd done kcSig ctx t = do --freevs <- domain # getKEnv vs <- return [] --kintro (freeTyvars (ctx,t) \\ freevs) extendkts vs $ do mapM_ kcPred ctx kcStar t --return [] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tiType tp t = [c:>:syn] where c = definedType tp syn = Synonym (typeParams tp) t tiNewtype = tiData' Newtype tiData = tiData' Data tiData' d ctx tp = [definedType tp:>:d] tiClass kenv tinfo ctx tp fdeps0 ds = [c:>:Class ctx kvs fdeps ms] where kvs = kinded kenv vs vs = typeParams tp ps = zip vs [0..] -- 0-based parameter positions fdeps = mapMaybe cleanDep $ -- silently ignore duplicates and trivial deps!! fromJust' "TiDkc.hs: undefined type variable in functional dependency" $ seqFunDeps $ mapFunDeps (flip lookup ps) $ fdeps0++concatMap superDeps ctx cleanDep (xs0,ys0) = if null ys then Nothing else Just (xs,ys) where xs = usort xs0 ys = usort ys0 \\ xs ms = map (fmap unquant) $ snd (explicitlyTyped kenv tinfo [] ds) unquant (Forall avs vs' qt) = Forall avs (vs'\\kvs) qt c = definedType tp --_:>:k = kinded1 kenv c -- Check that method types don't restrict any class variables (vs)! superDeps p = maybe [] deps ((Just >#< mapM isVarT)=<<flatConAppT p) where deps (c,vs) = case [fdeps|c':>:Class _ _ fdeps _<-tinfo,c'==c] of [fdeps] -> mapBoth (map (vs!!)) fdeps _ -> []
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