TiUtil is imported by: TI, TiContextReduction, TiFunDeps, TiGeneralize.
This module defines some basic type checking functions, and some utility functions, notably functions for type checking applications (tapp) and identifiers (inst et al), introducing fresh type/kind variables, recording constraints on types/kinds and instantiating type schemes.
module TiUtil where import TiMonad import TiTypes import TiSolve(TypeConstraint(..)) import TiNames(ValueId,TypeVar,dictName,dictName') import TiClasses import TiKinds(KindConstraint(..)) import TiFresh import HasBaseStruct import HsConstants(mod_Prelude,tuple) import BaseSyntax(srcLoc,TI(..)) import TypedIds(NameSpace(..)) import PrettyPrint hiding (var) import MUtils --import IOExts(trace) -- debug -- How to type check applications: -- tapp :: HasCoreSyntax e => TI (Typed e) -> TI (Typed e) -> TI (Typed e) fun `tapp` arg = do (f:>:tf) <- fun (a:>:ta) <- arg r <- appt tf ta f `app` a >: r where -- First case is an optional optimization appt (Typ (HsTyFun fa fr)) ta = do fa =:= ta return fr appt tf ta = do r <- tfresh tf =:= ta `hsTyFun` r return r --typedTuple :: HasCoreSyntax e => [Typed e] -> Typed e typedTuple ets = do t <- tupleType ts TiClasses.tuple es>:t where es:>:ts = unzipTyped ets --tcList :: HasCoreSyntax e => [Typed e] -> TI (Typed e) tcList ets = do let es:>:ts = unzipTyped ets t <- allSame ts listType <- getListType list es >: listType t tupleType ts = do t <- prelTypeName (HsConstants.tuple (length ts-1)) return $ foldl hsTyApp (hsTyId t) ts getListType = hsTyApp . hsTyId # prelTypeName "[]" getBoolType = hsTyId # prelTypeName "Bool" allSame [] = tfresh allSame (t:ts) = mapM_ (t=:=) ts >> return t stdValue = stdName ValueNames stdType = stdName ClassOrTypeNames stdClass = stdType prelValue = stdValue . (,) mod_Prelude prelTypeName = stdType . (,) mod_Prelude prelClassName = prelTypeName prelTy n = hsTyId # prelTypeName n instStd = inst @@ stdValue instStd_srcloc s = inst_srcloc s @@ stdValue instPrel = inst @@ prelValue instPrel_srcloc s = inst_srcloc s @@ prelValue --inst :: HasCoreSyntax i e => HsIdentI i -> TiMonad.TI i (Typed i e) inst x = inst_loc' Nothing x inst_loc x = inst_loc' (Just (srcLoc x)) x inst_srcloc s = inst_loc' (Just s) inst_loc' s x = do sc@(Forall ags gs qt) <- sch x vs <- freshvars gs let ctx:=> t = freshen' vs (tdom gs) qt ds <- newdicts s ctx foldl1 app (spec x sc (map tyvar vs):map var ds) >: t inst_field f = do ctx:=>t <- instsch f ds <- newdicts Nothing ctx -- use srcLoc f!! return t -- hmm instsch f = sinst =<< sch f sinst (Forall ags gs qt) = do vs <- freshvars gs return (freshen' vs (tdom gs) qt) freshvars gs = do vs <- freshlist (length gs) addvars (zipTyped (vs:>:ks)) return vs where vs0:>:ks = unzipTyped gs freshInst :: (TypeVar i,Fresh i,ValueId i) => Scheme i -> TiClasses.TI i ([Typing i (Pred i)],Type i) freshInst (Forall ags gs qt) = do ctx:=>t <- freshen (tdom gs) qt ds <- map dictName # freshlist (length ctx) return (zipTyped ((ds{-::[QId]-}):>:ctx),t) newdicts s ds = mapM (newdict s) ds newdict s pred = do d <- flip dictName' s # fresh addinst (d:>:pred) return d {- freshdicts ctx = do idns <- map dictName # freshlist (length ctx) return (zipWith (:>:) idns ctx) -} freshen gs t = do vs <- freshlist (length gs) return (freshen' vs gs t) freshen' vs gs t = apply s t where s = S [(g,tyvar v) | (g,v) <- zip gs vs] allfresh t = freshen (tv t) t varinst x = do Forall [] [] ([] :=> t) <- sch (HsVar x) return t infix 4 =:=,=*= t1 =:= t2 = constrain (t1:=:t2) k1 =*= k2 = constrain (k1:=*k2) addinst = constrain . Inst addkinst ki = do --trace (pp $ "addkinst"<+>ki) $ return () constrain (KInst ki) -- Introduce new types of kind *: tintro xs = do ts <- freshlist (length xs) addtypes ts return (zipTyped (xs:>:ts)) -- Introduce monomorphic type schemes for types of kind *: schintro xs = map (fmap mono) # tintro xs -- Introduce new kind variables: kintro xs = do ts <- freshlist (length xs) return (zipTyped (xs:>:ts)) tfresh = do t <- fresh addtype t return t addvars = mapM_ (addkinst.emap tyvar) addtypes ts = mapM_ addtype ts addtype t = addkinst (t:>:kstar)
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