TiSolve is imported by: TiBySuper, TiClassInst2, TiClasses, TiContextReduction, TiDefault, TiDerivedInstances, TiDs, TiFunDeps, TiGeneralize, TiInstanceDB, TiUtil.
Functions for unifying types, matching types, and expanding type synonyms.
module TiSolve(TypeConstraint(..),solve,isVar,matches,matchEqns,expandSynonyms) where import Prelude hiding (lookup) -- for Hugs import Monad(mplus) import TiConstraints import TiTypes import TiNames import TiKinds import TiPrelude(funcon) import Unification(Unifiable(..),unify,match) import MUtils import Syntax(HsTypeI(..),TI(..),HsIdentI(..),matchT,struct,mapT,base) import TiKEnv(lookup) import PrettyPrint(Printable,pp) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- data TypeConstraint i = Type i :=: Type i | Inst (Typing i (Pred i)) | KInst (Kinded (Type i)) -- to keep track of the kinds of type variables deriving Show instance TypeVar v => Types v (TypeConstraint v) where tmap f (t1:=:t2) = tmap f t1:=:tmap f t2 tmap f (Inst i) = Inst (tmap f i) tmap f (KInst (t:>:k)) = KInst (tmap f t:>:k) tv (t1:=:t2) = tv (t1,t2) tv (Inst i) = tv i tv (KInst (t:>:k)) = tv t -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- solve env constraints = do let (eqns,(preds0,kpreds0)) = separate (toList constraints) s <- S # unify (expandEqns env eqns) let preds = apply s preds0 kpreds = [apply s t:>:k|t:>:k<-kpreds0] return (preds,kpreds,s) where separate = apSnd (mapPartition id) . mapPartition dist dist (t1:=:t2) = Left (t1,t2) dist (Inst i) = Right (Left i) dist (KInst ki) = Right (Right ki) t1 `matches` t2 = matchEqns [(t2,t1)] matchEqns eqns env = S # match (expandEqns env eqns) instance (Printable i,TypeId i) => Unifiable (Type i) i where topMatch (Typ t1,Typ t2) = matchT t1 t2 `mplus` matchT (tupleHack t1) (tupleHack t2) isVar = isVarT subst s t = apply (S s) t showTerm = pp
Function types (previously also tuple types) can be represented in two different ways in the abstract syntax, so we convert one representation to the other to avoid false unification/matching errors...
--tupleHack (HsTyTuple ts) = struct $ appT (tuplecon (length ts):ts)
tupleHack (HsTyFun t1 t2) = struct $ appT [funcon,t1,t2] tupleHack t = t expandEqns env = mapBoth (expandSynonyms env)
Expand type synonyms. (Previously, this function also replaced data/newtype names with their original names. This is now assumed to happen in a pass prior to type checking.)
--expandSynonyms :: Env QId (Kind,TypeInfo) -> Type -> Type
expandSynonyms env (Typ t) = case t of HsTyApp t1 t2 -> expandApp t1 [t2] HsTyCon _ -> expandApp (base t) [] _ -> base $ mapT (expandSynonyms env) t where --expandApp :: Type -> [Type] -> Type expandApp (Typ t) ts = case t of HsTyApp t1 t2 -> expandApp t1 (t2:ts) HsTyCon c -> case TiKEnv.lookup env (HsCon c) of --Just (_,Data orig) -> app (HsTyCon orig) --Just (_,Newtype orig) -> app (HsTyCon orig) Just (_,Synonym vs rhs) | n<=length ts -> expandSynonyms env (appT (apply (S (zip vs ts1)) rhs:ts2)) where n=length vs (ts1,ts2) = splitAt n ts _ -> keepApp _ -> keepApp where keepApp = app t app t = appT (base t:map (expandSynonyms env) ts)
(HTML for this module was generated on 2006-08-12. About the conversion tool.)