TiClassInst is imported by: TiD.
-- Type checking for class and instances declarations.
module TiClassInst where import List((\\)) import Maybe(fromMaybe) import HasBaseStruct(hsClassDecl,hsInstDecl,hsId,hsLit,hsApp,hsPId,hsPatBind) import HsLiteral import HsGuardsStruct --import TiPrelude(prelError) --import SrcLoc(SrcLoc,srcLoc) import TI --import TiDkc(Dinst) --import TiSolve(matches) import PrettyPrint import MUtils import TiClassInst2(tcInstOrClassDecl'') tcClassDecl src ctx cl fdeps ds = -- a quick hack... do mnames <- methodNames cl -- or extract mnames from msigs... prelError <- prelValue "error" let (msigs,defaults) = splitMethodSigs ds lacksDefault = mnames \\ definedValueNames ds defaultDefaults = toDefs (map (defaultDefault prelError) lacksDefault) defds = defaults `appendDef` defaultDefaults ds' <- mapDefinedNames defaultName # tcClassDecl' src [cl] cl defds msigs':>:_ <- tcLocalDecls msigs -- kind check + type conversion return $ hsClassDecl src ctx cl fdeps (rmDeclsType msigs') `consDef` ds' where defaultDefault prelError m = hsPatBind src (hsPId m) (HsBody body) noDef where body = hsId prelError `hsApp` hsLit src (HsString ("No default for method "++pp m)) tcInstDecl src optn ictx inst ds = do mnames <- methodNames inst let lacksDef = mnames \\ definedValueNames ds defds = toDefs (map useDefault lacksDef) mds = ds `appendDef` defds ds' <- tcInstDecl' src ictx inst mds modmap <- getModule let n = fromMaybe (instName' modmap src inst) optn return $ oneDef $ hsInstDecl src (Just n) ictx inst ds' where useDefault m@(HsVar v) = hsPatBind src (hsPId m) (HsBody (hsId dm)) noDef where dm = HsVar (defaultName v) methodNames cl = do Class _ _ _ ms <- snd # env kenv (definedType cl) let mnames:>:_ = unzipTyped ms return mnames tcInstDecl' = tcInstOrClassDecl' False tcClassDecl' = tcInstOrClassDecl' True {- tcInstOrClassDecl' :: (TypeId i,Printable i,Fresh i, Printable dsin, DefinedNames i dsin, TypeCheckDecls i dsin dsout) => Bool -> SrcLoc -> [Pred i] -> Type i -> dsin -> TI i dsout -} tcInstOrClassDecl' isClass src ictx inst ds = snd # tcInstOrClassDecl'' isClass src ictx inst ds {- tcInstOrClassDecl' isClass src ictx inst ds = do let cname = definedType inst (k,Class super0 cvs0 fundeps0 ms0) <- env kenv cname let cl0 = appT (ty cname:map tyvar cvs0) (cl,ms) <- allfresh (cl0,ms0) --since `matches` requires disjoint vars let ims = definedValueNames ds ns:>:_ = unzipTyped ms case ims \\ ns of badms@(_:_) -> fail ("Extra bindings in "++dkind++" declaration: "++pp badms) [] -> errmap (("In "++dkind++" "++pp inst++"\n")++) $ do s <- inst `matches` cl =<< getKEnv let mts = (map.fmap) (addctx (apply s ictx)) (apply s ms) ds' <- --errmap (("Method signatures:\n"++pp mSigs++"\n")++) $ tcInstDecls mts ds -- (toDefs mSigs `appendDef` ds) return ds' where dkind = if isClass then "class" else "instance" addctx ictx (Forall vs (ctx:=>t)) = uscheme ((ictx++ctx):=>t) -- mSig m@(HsVar n) = do Forall vs (ctx:=>t) <- sch m -- return $ hsTypeSig src [n] (ictx++ctx) t -}
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