TiDs is imported by: TiBase.
-- Type checking sequences of declarations
module TiDs where import List(nub,(\\),intersect,partition) import Maybe(mapMaybe,fromMaybe) import HasBaseStruct(HasBaseStruct(..),GetBaseStruct(..)) import SrcLoc(SrcLoc,HasSrcLoc(..)) import HsLiteral(HsLiteral) import HsDeclStruct import HsPatStruct(PI) import TI hiding (Subst) import TiNameMaps import TiDkc(Dinst,Einst) import TiSolve import TiSCC(sccD) import TiContextReduction(contextReduction,entails) import TiInstanceDB(instType,addInstKind) import TiDerivedInstances import TiFunDeps(checkInstances) import Substitute import SubstituteBaseStruct --import QualNames import MUtils(( # )) import PrettyPrint(Printable,pp,vcat) instance DeclInfo i d => DeclInfo i [d] where explicitlyTyped ks kinfo ctx ds = (concat kss,concat tss) where (kss,tss) = unzip $ map (explicitlyTyped ks kinfo ctx) ds --- instance ( TypeId i,ValueId i,Printable i, Fresh i,HasSrcLoc i, TypedId PId i,CheckRecursion i d, DeclInfo i d, FreeNames i d, TypeCheckDecl i d ds2,HasSrcLoc d, HasCoreSyntax i p,HasCoreSyntax i e,HasDef ds d, --HasLit e,HasLit p, HasBaseStruct e (Einst i e p ds),HasBaseStruct p (PI i p), DefinedNames i d,AccNames i d, HasBaseStruct d (Dinst i e p ds), GetBaseStruct d (Dinst i e p ds), HasDef ds2 d2, HasLocalDef i e2 d2, Types i d2, HasAbstr i ds2, HasLocalDef i e2 ds2, Types i ds2, AddDeclsType i ds2, HasCoreSyntax i e2, MapExp e2 ds2,Subst i e2,HasTypeApp i e2, -- for dicts in mono rec calls KindCheck i d ()) => TypeCheckDecls i [d] ds2 where tcTopDecls rewrite ds = decorate # tcDs rewrite True ds tcInstDecls mts ds = do ds':>:bs <- tcExplDs mts ds return (addDeclsType ([],bs) ds') --} decorate (ds:>:(insts,dt)) = addDeclsType dt ds:>:(insts,dt) --sccD ds = [ds] -- dummy -- How to type check a (possibly recursive) group of declarations: tcDs rewrite rec ds0 = do -- Recursive type synonyms and suprtclass relations can cause the type -- checker to loop, so start by checking... checkRecursion ds0 -- Infer the kinds of all class/type identifers, including -- type variables. -- (Names are assumed to have been made unique in an earlier pass.) ks <- errorContext "Kind inference" $ kgeneralise $ do kbs <- kintro (allTypeNames ds0) let kbs' = map (fmap (flip (,) undefined)) kbs extendkts kbs' (kc ds0>>return kbs) -- Find additional info about classes and types -- and the types of all explicitly typed value identifiers... let (kinfo,expls) = explicitlyTyped ks (map (fmap snd) kinfo) [] ds0 vkinfo = [v:>:(k,Tyvar)|v@(HsVar _):>:k<-ks] expl <- mapM checkTypeSigClash (collectTyped expls) -- ...and add them to the environment (if in a recursive group). extendkts (kinfo++vkinfo) $ opt rec (extendts expl) $ do -- Extend the instance database with the declared instances (insts,ds) <- getInstances ks ds0 checkInstances insts extendIEnv insts $ do -- Infer the types of the implicitly typed declarations, -- one strongly connected component (scc) at a time... let (dsImpl,dsExpl) = partition (isImplicit ns) ds dsccs = sccD dsImpl ns:>:_=unzipTyped expl ds1:>:bs1 <- tcImplBGs rec expl dsccs -- ...and add them to the environment (if in a recursive group) opt rec (extendts bs1) $ do -- Infer the types of the explicitly typed declarations -- and check that they agree with their explicit types ds2:>:bs2 <- tcExplDs expl dsExpl let env = (kinfo,its++filter noDup bs0++expl) its=map instType insts bs0 = bs1++bs2 noDup (x:>:_) = x `notElem` ns -- Finally, return the translated declarations, the -- instances, and the resulting environment ((ds1 `appendDef` ds2)>:(insts,env)) where getInstances ks ds = do modmap <- getModule kenv <- getKEnv let insts1 = map (addInstKind ks) (instDecls ds modmap kenv) extendIEnv insts1 $ do stdnames <- getStdNames (insts2,ds2) <- unzip # derivedInstances ks stdnames modmap kenv ds let insts = insts1++map (addInstKind ks) insts2 return (insts,ds++rewrite ds2) instDecls ds modmap env = [instDecl s optn ctx tp|HsInstDecl s optn ctx tp _<-mapMaybe basestruct ds] where instDecl s optn ctx tp = (syn tp,(n,map syn ctx)) where n = fromMaybe (instName' modmap s tp) optn syn = expandSynonyms env isImplicit ns d = any (`notElem` ns) (definedValueNames d) -- Type check a sequence of implicitly typed binding groups: tcImplBGs rec expl [] = noDef>:[] tcImplBGs rec expl (ds:dss) = do ds1:>:bs1 <- tcImplBG rec expl ds ds2:>:bs2 <- extendts bs1 $ tcImplBGs rec expl dss ds1 `appendDef` ds2>:bs1++bs2 tcImplBG rec expl ds = checkExplicit rec (srcLoc ds) expl =<< tcBG expl rec False ds -- Type check declarations with explicit type signatures -- pre: the explicitly given types have already been added to the environment tcExplDs expl ds =conc . unzipTyped # mapM (tcExplD expl) ds where conc (dss:>:bss) = concatDefs dss:>:concat bss tcExplD expl d = checkExplicit False (srcLoc d) expl =<< tcBG expl False True [d] -- Typecheck one (mutually recursive) binding group: tcBG all_ebs rec isExpl ds = addErrorContext $ do (dns,ds'):>:bs' <- generalise' keepambig unr mapTs $ do bs1 <- tintro (values\\ens) bs2 <- tintro ens let bs=bs1++bs2 lbs = (map.fmap) mono bs1 (:>:bs) # opt rec (extendts lbs) (mapM (tcDecl bs) ds) (dns,concatDefs ds')>:bs' where ens=values `intersect` all_ens where all_ens:>:_=unzipTyped all_ebs (types,values) = definedNamesSplit ds unr = all (isUnrestricted isExpl) ds keepambig = all keepAmbigTypes ds mapTs = map . fmap --where mapTM f (x:>:t) = (x:>:) # f t --typed = uncurry (:>:) addErrorContext = if null types && null values then posContext' (srcLoc ds) "in declaration" else posContext (srcLoc ds) . declContext (types++values) {-errorContext (render (sep [(if unr then "In an un" else "In a ") <>"restricted definition of", nest 4 (fsep types $$ fsep values)]))-} opt b f = if b then f else id checkExplicit rec loc explicit ((dns,d):>:inferred) = posContext' loc "type signature vs inferred type" $ do let xs:>:_ = unzipTyped inferred ixs = xs \\ exs (exs,eqscs) = unzip [ (x,(it,et)) |x:>:it<-inferred,y:>:et<-explicit,y==x] pick x = if x `elem` exs then head [ t |t@(y:>:_)<-explicit,x==y] else head [ t |t@(y:>:_)<-inferred,x==y] -- abstract' adjusts monomorphic recurive calls: abstract' ixs dns d = if rec then abstract dns (esubst addDicts d) else abstract dns d where addDicts x = if HsVar x `elem` ixs then foldl1 app (x':map var dns) else if HsVar x `elem` exs then x' else var x -- Grr!! Type info is lost where x' = spec (HsVar x) sc (map tyvar (tdom gs)) _:>:sc@(Forall ags gs qt) = pick (HsVar x) if null eqscs then abstract' ixs dns d>:map pick xs else do (ids,eds,eqts) <- freshInsts dns eqscs s0 <- matchEqns eqts =<< getKEnv let ids' = apply s0 ids id {-errorContext (eds,ids',apply s0 eqts)-} $ do -- Although the context ids should already be reduced, -- the instance ids' may still not be in normal form, -- so we have to apply context reduction again. (ids'',r1,s1) <- do reduceAndImprove ids' (is,r2) <- do env <- getKEnv let eds' = (map.fmap) (expandSynonyms env) (apply s1 eds) (eds' `entails` ids'') env let edns:>:_ = unzipTyped eds r = r2 . r1 s@(S su) = is `compS` s1 `compS` s0 ngvs <- tv # getTEnv mapM_ constrain [tyvar v:=:t|(v,t)<-su,v `elem` ngvs] abstract' ixs edns (r (apply s d))>:apply s (map pick xs) where freshInsts dns eqscs = do ((ctx,eds):_,eqts) <- unzip # mapM freshInst' eqscs return (zipTyped (dns:>:ctx),eds,eqts) freshInst' (isc,esc) = do -- Don't freshen the inferred type, the quantified tvars can appear in the body: --(ids,it) <- freshInst isc --let _:>:ctx = unzipTyped ids let Forall _ _ (ictx:=>it) = isc Forall _ _ (ectx:=>et) = esc --(eds,et) <- freshInst esc ds <- map dictName # freshlist (length ectx) let eds = zipTyped (ds:>:ectx) return ((ictx,eds),(it,et))
We allow more than one type signature for the same identifier, but we check that they are syntactically equal. In Haskell 98, its invalid to give more then one type signature for the same identifier, even if they are identical (H98 report, section 4.4.1).
checkTypeSigClash (x:>:ts0) = case nub ts0 of -- Equality of type schemes. Hmm... [t] -> x>:t ts -> declContext [x] $ errorContext "Conflicting type signatures" $ fail $ pp (vcat ts)
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