TiT is imported by: TiBaseStruct, TiDkc.
-- Kind inference for the T structure
module TiT where import HasBaseStruct import BaseSyntaxStruct import TI hiding (TI) --import MUtils instance (TypeVar i,KindCheck i t Kind) => KindCheck i (TI i t) Kind where kc t = case t of HsTyFun t1 t2 -> do kcStar t1; kcStar t2; return kstar -- HsTyTuple ts -> do mapM_ kcStar ts; return kstar HsTyApp t1 t2 -> kc t1 `kapp` kc t2 HsTyVar v -> kindOf (HsVar v) HsTyCon c -> kindOf (HsCon c) HsTyForall vs ps t' -> {-do bs <- kintro (map HsVar vs) extendkts bs $-} mapM_ kcPred ps >> kc t' instance (TypeVar i,KindCheck i t Kind) => KindCheck i (Qual i t) Kind where kc (ps:=>t) = do mapM_ kcPred ps; kc t kcCheck k t = do k'<-kc t; k'=*=k kcStar t = kcCheck kstar t kcPred t = kcCheck kpred t fun `kapp` arg = do kf <- fun ka <- arg k <- fresh kf =*= ka `karrow` k return k instance TypeVar i => KindCheck i (Type i) Kind where kc (Typ t) = kc t
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