Prop2Alfa is imported by: PfeAlfaCmds.
module Prop2Alfa(Prop2Alfa.transModule,modPath) where import TiPropDecorate import PropSyntax(HsModuleI,HsPatI,prop,Prop,Rec(..)) import qualified PropSyntax as PS import HsConstants(mod_Prelude) import PNT import TypedIds import HsPropStruct import HsPropMaps import HsIdent import QualNames(mkUnqual,getQualified) import UniqueNames(noSrcLoc,origModule) import DefinedNames(definedType) import PrettyPrint(Printable,pp) import TI hiding (getEnv,inst,tapp,sch,inEnv,extend,restrict,conName,definedType) import NameMapsPropDecorate import BaseStruct2Alfa import qualified UAbstract as U import qualified AbstractOps as U import qualified UMatch as U import MUtils import EnvM import Maybe(fromMaybe) import Char(isAlpha) transModule = trans :: HsModuleI m i (TiDecls NName) -> EnvM Env U.Module instance (Trans b u,Trans p u) => Trans (Prop b p) u where transTyped t p = prop tt tt p where tt x = transTyped t x instance Trans (TiAssertion NName) U.Exp where transTyped = transTypedRec instance Trans (TiPredicate NName) U.Exp where transTyped = transTypedRec instance Trans (OTiAssertion NName) U.Exp where trans (OA is ds pa) = --U.uAbsExp U.piExp . map (flip (,) (missing "assertion dictionary type")) # ltrans is <# (eLet # mapM transT ds <# trans pa) where transT (i:>:t,e) = do i' <- transUnqualVar i t' <- trans t e' <- trans e return $ U.decl' [valdef i' ([],([],t')) e'] instance (Printable pa,Printable pp, Trans pa U.Exp,Trans pp U.Exp) => Trans (PD NName pa pp) [U.Def] where trans pd = case pd of HsAssertion s optnm pa -> maybe cmnt (transAssert pa) optnm HsPropDecl s nm is pp -> transPropDecl nm is pp where cmnt = return [commentdef pd] transAssert pa nm = do (gs,cs:=>t) <- schak (HsCon nm) extendTyvars gs $ do -- assume t=Prop -- t' <- trans t -- should be Prop gs' <- ltrans gs cs' <- ltrans cs nm' <- trans nm pa' <- trans pa let cnt=length gs return $ --hide' nm' cnt++ [valdef nm' ([],([],{-U.eFuns cs'-}eAssertion)) (U.piExp gs' (dictTypes cs' pa'))] dictTypes ts = uncurry U.piExp . apFst dictTypes' . U.flatPi where dictTypes' xts = zip (map fst xts) ts++drop (length ts) xts transPropDecl n is pp = do n' <- transUnqualVar n sch@(gs,cs:=>t) <- schk (HsCon n) -- or schak... extendTyvars gs $ do tctx <- ltrans gs cs' <- ltrans cs (targs,tres) <- U.flatFun # trans t is' <- ltrans (map getHSName is) let (ctx,tres') = args' is' (cs'++targs) tres cnt=length gs pp' <- trans pp return $ hide' n' cnt++[valdef n' (tctx++ctx,tres') pp'] eProp = un "Prop" eAssertion = un "Assertion" --eProp = U.eType ePred = uApp (un "Pred") instance (Trans e U.Exp,Trans t U.Exp,Trans pa U.Exp,Trans pp U.Exp) => Trans (PA NName e t pa pp) U.Exp where trans pa = case pa of Quant All i optt pa -> do i' <- trans i optt' <- trans optt U.EPi (i' U.:- opt "type in universal quantifier" optt') # trans pa Quant q i optt pa -> do i' <- trans i optt' <- trans optt uApp # transQ q optt' <# (eAbs i' optt' # trans pa) -- PropId i -> U.EVar # i PropApp i ts es -> appqvar # transConId i <# ltrans ts <# mapM (either trans trans) es PropNeg a -> uApp eNot # trans a PropOp op a1 a2 -> # trans op <# ltrans [a1,a2] PropEqual e1 e2 -> equal # trans e1 <# trans e2 PropHas e p -> uApp # trans p <# trans e PropParen a -> trans a eAbs n optt e = U.EAbs (n U.:-opt "type in abstraction" optt) e eNot = un "Not" ePredNot = un "NegPred" --eEq = m1 (un "Identical") m1 s e =uApp e (missing s) m2 s = m1 s . m1 s -- The type checker is assumed to add a type annotation to the left operand equal (U.ETyped e1 t1) e2 = (un "===") [t1,e1,e2] equal e1 e2 = (un "===") [missing "type in equality prop",e1,e2] transQ q optt = flip uApp (opt "type in quantifier" optt) # trans q instance Trans Quantifier U.Exp where trans q = return $ case q of All -> un "ForAll" Exist -> un "Exists" instance Trans PropOp U.Exp where trans op = return $ case op of Conj -> un "And" Disj -> un "Or" Imp -> un "Implies" Equiv -> un "Equivalence" appvar i ts es = (U.EVar i) (ts++es) appqvar e ts es = e (ts++es) instance (Trans c U.Exp,Trans t U.Exp) => Trans (PS.Q [c] t) U.Exp where trans (c PS.:=> t) = U.eFuns # ltrans c <# trans t instance (Trans e U.Exp,Trans p U.Pat,Trans t U.Exp, Trans pa U.Exp,Trans pp U.Exp, Printable e,Printable p,Printable t,Printable pa,Printable pp) => Trans (PP NName e p t pa pp) U.Exp where trans p = case p of -- PredId i -> U.EVar # trans i PredApp i ts ps -> appqvar # transConId i <# ltrans ts <# mapM (either trans trans) ps PredArrow p1 p2 -> (m2 "type for arrow predicate" (un "Arrow")) # ltrans [p1,p2] PredInfixApp p1 i p2 -> . U.EVar # trans i <# ltrans [p1,p2] PredNeg optt p -> liftNeg # trans optt <# trans p PredOp op optt p1 p2 -> liftOp # trans op <# trans optt <# trans p1 <# trans p2 PredLfp i optt p -> fix "Lfp" # trans i <# trans optt <# trans p PredGfp i optt p -> fix "Gfp" # trans i <# trans optt <# trans p PredNil -> return (m1 "type for IsNil" (un "IsNil")) PredLifted e -> uApp (m1 "type for !" (un "Lift")) # trans e PredStrong p -> trans p -- !! PredParen p -> trans p PredComp pts a -> foldr abstr # trans a <# ltrans pts _ -> return $ missing (comment (pp p)) -- for unimplemented things where abstr (U.PVar x,optt) e = eAbs x optt e abstr _ _ = missing "pattern in predicate comprehension" -- !!! liftNeg optt p = ePredNot [opt "type of lifted negation" (deep # optt),p] liftOp op optt p1 p2 = (un "predOp") [opt "type of lifted connective" (deep # optt),op,p1,p2] fix op i optt p = (un op) [opt "type in Gfp/Lfp" optt,eAbs i (ePred # optt) p] deep t = case t of U.EApp f t2 | f==un "predT" -> deep t2 -- compensation for shallow translation of t U.EPi (x U.:-t1) t2 -> predCon [t1,deep t2] _ -> if t==propType then propCon else t -- must be a type variable of kind Prop predCon = U.ECon (U.Con "Pred") propCon = U.ECon (U.Con "Prop") propType = qn (transM mod_Prelude) "Prop" ---- instance Trans (TiDecls NName) [U.Def] where trans (Decs ds env) = concat # extend env (ltrans ds) instance Trans (TiDecl NName) [U.Def] where trans (Dec d) = prop transBase trans d where transBase d = (++) # trans d <# liftedCons d instance Trans (HsPatI NName) U.Pat where trans = trans . struct instance Trans (TiExp NName) U.Exp where trans (Exp e) = trans e trans (TiSpec c@(HsCon _) sc ts) = transECon c sc ts --trans (TiSpec x _ []) = transEVar x trans s@(TiSpec x _ ts) = # inst x <# ltrans ts trans (TiTyped e t) = transTyped (Just t) e transTyped t (Exp e) = transTyped t e transTyped t e = optTransTyped t =<< trans e ------ transRec = trans . struct transTypedRec t = transTyped t . struct ------ liftedCons d = concat # case d of PS.HsNewTypeDecl s ctx lhs con der -> liftedCons' lhs PS.HsDataDecl s ctx lhs cons der -> liftedCons' lhs _ -> return [] where liftedCons' = liftedCons'' . definedType liftedCons'' t@(PNT tn _ _) = mapM liftedCon [splitAt i cs'|i<-[0..length cs'-1]] where cs' = [(pnt (conName c) cty,conArity c)|c<-cs] Type tinfo@(TypeInfo {constructors=cs}) = idTy t cty = ConstrOf (getQualified tn) tinfo liftedCon (cs1,(c,n):cs2) = do (gs,qt) <- schk (HsCon c) gs' <- ltrans gs qt' <- extendTyvars gs (trans qt) let ps = gs'++zip pns (map ePred args)++[(x0,res)] (args,res)=U.flatFun qt' c' <- transUnqualVar c other <- mapFstM (\c -> trConName # trans c) (cs1++cs2) let cpred = trPredName c' ccon = trConName c' body = predBody ccon n other return $ hide cpred gs ++[valdef cpred (ps,([],eProp)) body] where pns = [U.Var ("P"++show i)|i<-[1..n]] x0:xs =[U.Var ("x"++show i)|i<-[0..]] predBody c n other = U.ECase (U.EVar x0) (rightBranch:map otherBranch other) where rightBranch = br c n (conj (zipWith varapp pns xs)) otherBranch (c,n) = br c n (un "Absurdity") br (U.Var c) n e = U.Branch (U.Con c,(take n xs,e)) varapp p x = U.EVar p `uApp` U.EVar x conj [] = un "Triviality" conj ps = foldr1 (uApp . uApp (un "And")) ps pnt c idty = PNT (mkUnqual c) idty noSrcLoc trPredName (U.Var s) = U.Var . predName . transConName $ s trConName (U.Var s) = U.Var . transConName $ s transConId i = if isCon i then qn' (transM (origModule i)) # getMEnv <# (liftedConName # trans i) else U.EVar # trans i qn' m ms v@(U.Var x) = if m `elem` ms then U.EVar v else qn m x liftedConName (U.Var s) = U.Var (predName s) predName s = case s of c:_ | isAlpha c -> "Pred"++s _ -> "%"++s
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