WorkModule is imported by: ReAssocModule, ScopeModule, PFE2, PFE3, PFE4, PFE_StdNames, Pfe3Cmds, ToQC.
module WorkModule(WorkModuleI(..),Ent(..),ExpRel, analyzeModules, -- obsolete mkWM,inscpList,analyzeSCM,readRel,showRel ) where import Modules import Maybe(fromMaybe,fromJust) --import Names import Ents import DefinedNames import Relations import CheckModules import SCMs import ModSysAST import AST4ModSys(toMod) import PrettyPrint import PPModules import MUtils(mapFst,mapSnd) import Sets(setToList) -- a user of the module system type ExpRel n = Rel n (Ent n) data WorkModuleI i n = WorkModuleI { inscpRel :: Rel i (Ent n) , expRel :: ExpRel n , inScope :: i -> [Ent n] , inScopeDom :: [i] , inScopeRng :: [Ent n] , exports :: [(n, Ent n)] } inscpList = relToList . inscpRel --instance (Ord i, Ord n, Read i, Read n) => Read (WorkModuleI i n) where -- readsPrec p xs = [ (mkWM p,ys) | (p,ys) <- readsPrec p xs] instance (Show i, Show n) => Show (WorkModuleI i n) where showsPrec p wm = showsPrec p (inscpRel wm, expRel wm) mkWM (i,e) = WorkModuleI { inscpRel = i , expRel = e , inScope = applyRel i , inScopeDom = setToList (dom i) , inScopeRng = setToList (rng i) , exports = relToList e } instance (Printable i, Printable n) => Printable (WorkModuleI i n) where ppi wm = text "in scope:" $$ ppRel ((\x -> (x,inScope wm x)) `map` inScopeDom wm) $$ "exports:" $$ ppRel (exports wm) type ExportRel n = Rel n (Ent n) {- analyzeSCM :: (QualNames i ModuleName n, DefinedNames i ds, Eq n) => [(ModuleName, ExportRel n)] -> [HsModuleI i ds] -> Either [(ModuleName,[ModSysErr i ModuleName n (Ent n)])] [(ModuleName,WorkModuleI i n)] -} analyzeSCM exports_from_earlier scms | not (null errs) = Left errs | otherwise = Right newwms where mods = toMod `map` scms newwms' = mods `zip` map mkWM (computeInsOuts otherExps mods) newwms = mapFst modName newwms' otherExps m = fromMaybe emptyRel $ lookup m exports_from_earlier all_exports = mapSnd expRel newwms++exports_from_earlier expsOf m = lookup m all_exports errs = [ (modName m, es) | (m,wm) <- newwms', let es = chkModule expsOf (inscpRel wm) m, not (null es) ] --fromJust' = fromMaybe (error "WorkModule.analyzeSCM") -- obsolete function analyzeModules ms | not $ all null errs = Left $ reportErrs errs | otherwise = Right (scms, wms) where scms = scMods ms scmods = map toMod `map` scms mods = concat scmods names = modName `map` mods wms = foldl f [] scmods where f ws ms = ws ++ zipWith mk ms insouts where insouts = computeInsOuts otherExps ms otherExps m = maybe emptyRel expRel $ lookup m ws mk mod p = (modName mod, mkWM p) reportErrs = filter (not . null . snd) . zip names inscpOf = inscpRel . fromJust . flip lookup wms expsOf = fmap expRel . flip lookup wms errs = (\m -> chkModule expsOf (inscpOf (modName m)) m) `map` mods
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