ScopeModule is imported by: PFE3, PFE4, PFE_StdNames.
This module provides the function scopeModule which takes abstract syntax trees returned by the parser, where idientifers are annotated with the position they occurred at in the source file, and produces abstract syntax trees where the identifiers are annotated with the following extra information:
The type PNT is the type used for identifiers holding this extra tagging information.
(The function numberNames is responsible for making names unique. It currently uses source positions, but it could generate unique numbers instead, in which case the parser wouldn't have to provide any position information.)
module ScopeModule(scopeModule,XRefInfo,checkRefs,origName) where import HsModule(hsModName) import HsIdent(HsIdentI(..),getHSName,mapHsIdent) import HsName(HsName,ModuleName) import SrcLoc(SrcLoc,srcLoc) import HasBaseName import WorkModule(inscpList) --WorkModuleI,ExpRel,inScope, import Relations(relToList) import TypedIds--(IdTy(..),blankTypeInfo,namespace,belongsTo) import NameMaps import NumberNames(numberNames,PN(..),Orig(G),orig,origModule,eqSrc,optLoc,unique) import PNT import ScopeNames import UniqueNames(optOrigModule) --import SourceNames(srcName,SN) import QualNames(getQualified,mkUnqual,mkQual) import Ents(Ent(..)) import PrettyPrint import OutputM import EnvM import List(partition,nub) import Maybe(fromJust) import MUtils(mapSnd) import OpTypes(ordBy) import FiniteMap --import IOExts(trace) -- for debugging {- scopeModule :: ... => ... -> HsModuleI i (ds (SN HsName)) -> (HsModuleI i (ds PNT),[XRefInfo]) -} scopeModule (wm,exports) mod = mergeOutputM -- merge now to avoid having to sort later . seqNames . mapNames2 TopLevel (pickScope m envs HsVar, pickScope m envs HsCon) . addScope modenv . numberNames $ mod where m = getBaseName (hsModName mod) modenv = topenv wm envs = (modenv,mapSnd (impenv.relToList) exports) mergeOutputM = foldOutput [] (:[]) merge' merge' xs [] = xs merge' [] ys = ys merge' xxs@(x:xs) yys@(y:ys) = if ordBy srcLoc' x y then x:merge' xs yys else y:merge' xxs ys srcLoc' (_,i,_) = srcLoc i checkRefs :: [XRefInfo] -> [(SrcLoc,Doc)] checkRefs = concatMap checkRef where -- Exports and imports have already been checked by the module system code, -- so no need to check again. TODO: import specs are checked agains the -- environment... checkRef ((ExpEnt {},_),x,os) = [] checkRef ((ImpEnt {},_),x,os) = [] checkRef ((role,sp),x,os) = case os of [_] -> [] [] -> [(srcLoc x,"not in scope:"<+>x)] _ -> [(srcLoc x,"ambiguous:"<+>x<+>ppiFTuple (map origname os))] origname (x,_) = origModule x<>"."<>getQualified x --type Filter x y = FiniteMap x y->[y] type SPName = (PName,ScopeFM) type Scope = [(PIdent,IdTy PId)] type ScopeFM = FiniteMap (HsIdentI HsName) Scope type ImportScope = [(ModuleName,ScopeFM)] type XRefInfo = ((Role (),NameSpace),PIdent,Scope) pickScope :: ModuleName -> (ScopeFM,ImportScope) -> (PName->PIdent)-> Occurence SPName -> SPName -> OutputM XRefInfo PNT pickScope m (modenv,ex) c (dctx,sp) (i,scope) = checkref . partition (isLocal.getHSName.fst) . nub . filterSame $ scope' where scope' = case dctx of ImpEnt m _ -> fromJust (lookup m ex) _ -> scope filterSame = case dctx of {- This should implement the revised Haskell 98 scoping rules for instance declarations and subordinate names in imports/exports.-} Def (Instance (cl,_)) -> filterSameSub cl ExpEnt (Just (i,_)) -> filterSameSub i ImpEnt m (Just (i,_)) -> filterSameSub i FieldLabel -> filter isField . filterSameNormal Sig TopLevel -> filterSameModule Use -> filter notLogic . filterSameNormal _ -> filterSameNormal filterSameNormal env = -- i' `eqSrc` c i && sp == namespace ity' [it|it@(i',ity')<-lookenv env (c i),sp==pnamespace ity'] notLogic (_,Assertion) = False notLogic (_,Property) = False notLogic _ = True filterSameModule = filter sameModule . filterSameNormal where sameModule (i,_) = optOrigModule i == Just m -- P-Logic: conids can refer to properties&assertions in imports&exports pnamespace = if isExpOrImp then impexpnamespace else namespace where isExpOrImp = case dctx of ExpEnt Nothing -> True ImpEnt _ Nothing -> True _ -> False impexpnamespace ity = case ity of Assertion -> ClassOrTypeNames Property -> ClassOrTypeNames _ -> namespace ity filterSameSub i env = filtFM (sameSub env i) env where filtFM p = filter p . concat . eltsFM sameSub env iowner = case filter (isClassOrType.snd) $ lookenv env (HsCon iowner) of [(HsCon c,idty)] -> case [orig s|s<-subs,s `eqSrc` n] of [o] -> sameSub' o [] -> --trace ("subordinate not found "++show (iowner,i,subs)) $ const False _ -> --trace ("ambiguous subordinate name "++show (iowner,i,subs)) $ const False -- data/class with name duplications... where subs = subordinates idty n = getQualified i -- i should be unqualified sameSub' o (i,idty) = orig i==o && isSubordinate idty [] -> --trace ("not in scope "++show iowner) $ const False ents -> --trace ("ambiguous owner of subordinate names "++show (iowner,ents)) $ const False isField (_,FieldOf {}) = True isField _ = False isLocal (PN _ (G {})) = False isLocal _ = True -- hmm checkref (l:_,_) = ref [l] -- innermost binding, ambiguities not detected checkref (_,gs) = ref (filterdefs gs) -- Defining occurences do not themselves conflict with imported names, -- except in instances, which aren't really defining occurences. filterdefs = case dctx of Def (Instance _) -> id Def _ -> filter ((==m).origModule.getHSName.fst) _ -> id ref is = output ((strip dctx,sp),c i,is) >> case is of [(oi,idty)] -> return (PNT (keepSrcName oi) idty (optLoc i)) _ -> return (PNT i (fakeidty sp) (optLoc i)) where keepSrcName oi = PN (getBaseName i) (orig oi) -- To avoid recursive type: strip = fmap (const ()) -- To avoid failing on references to ids not in scope fakeidty ValueNames = Value fakeidty ClassOrTypeNames = Type blankTypeInfo addScope env m = --trace (show (hsModName m,wm)) $ withEnv env (scopeNames extend m) where --global (ni,idty) = (N i (G i),idty) -- where N i _ = getHSName ni --local (ni,idty) = (getHSName ni,idty) extend new old = extenv old (filter notoldtyvar (mapSnd conv new)) where --oldtyvars = [i|(HsVar i,Type {})<-old] notoldtyvar (i@(HsVar _),Type {}) = null [()|(_,Type{})<-lookenv old i] notoldtyvar _ = True conv = fmap getQualified envMap = extenv emptyFM extenv env bs = addListToFM_C (flip (++)) -- innermost binding first in the list env [(getBaseName i,[it])|it@(i,_)<-bs] lookenv env i = lookupWithDefaultFM env [] (getBaseName i) --topenv :: WorkModuleI HsName Id -> [(HsIdentI (PName),IdTy (PId))] topenv wm = envMap [(origIdent qn m i,origt m t)|(qn,Ent m i t)<-inscpList wm] where origt m = fmap (osub m) osub m n = origName n m n -- This generates references to names not necessarily in scope... {- impenv :: (Unique n, HasBaseName qn HsName, QualNames qn ModuleName n1, HasBaseName n ib) => [(n1, Ent n)] -> FiniteMap (HsIdentI HsName) [(HsIdentI (PN HsName), IdTy (PN ib))] --} impenv exprel = envMap [(origIdent (unq m n) m i,origt m t)|(n,Ent m i t)<-exprel] where unq m n = mkUnqual n `asTypeOf` mkQual m n -- ^ this eliminates an ambiguite that was accepted by GHC origt m = fmap (osub m) osub m n = origName n m n origIdent qn m = mapHsIdent (origName qn m) origName qn m n = PN (getBaseName qn) (unique m n) --origName qn m n = PN (getBaseName qn) (G m (getBaseName n)) --instance (Printable a,Printable b) => PrintableOp (a,b) where -- ppiOp (x,y) = "`("<>x<>","<>y<>")`" subordinates (Class _ ms) = {-map HsVar-} ms subordinates (Type TypeInfo {constructors=cs,fields=fs}) = {-map HsVar-} fs++map ({-HsCon .-} conName) cs subordinates _ = []
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