{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} -- Syntax for existential quantification varies: -- | Programmers' index. There is very little documentation here. See the -- <http://www.altocumulus.org/Fudgets/Manual/ Fudget Library Reference Manual> -- instead. module Fudgets( -- * GUI buttonF, border3dF, buttonBorderF, pushButtonF, BMevents(..), popupMenuF, Click(..), radioGroupF, radioGroupF', intF, passwdF, stringF, intInputF, stringInputF, passwdInputF, intInputF', stringInputF', passwdInputF', toggleButtonF, -- ** Popups inputPopupOptF, inputPopupF, passwdPopupOptF, passwdPopupF, stringPopupOptF, stringPopupF, confirmPopupF, ConfirmMsg(..), oldConfirmPopupF, oldMessagePopupF, messagePopupF, intDispF, displayF, labelF, -- ** Text editor EditStop(..), editF, EditEvt(..), EditCmd(..), editorF, editorF', selectall, loadEditor, newline, EDirection(..), inputEditorF, inputEditorF', EditorF, EditStopFn(..), EditStopChoice(..), IsSelect(..),setEditorCursorPos, -- ** List and text oldFilePickF, PickListRequest(..), textF, textF',-- textF'', TextRequest(..), TextF, HasInitText(..), HasSizing(..),Sizing(..), ListRequest(..), replaceAll, replaceAllFrom, deleteItems, insertItems, appendItems, changeItems, replaceItems, highlightItems, pickItem, applyListRequest, smallPickListF, labRightOfF, labLeftOfF, labBelowF, labAboveF, tieLabelF, menuF, PopupMenu(..), menuPopupF, pickListF, moreShellF,pickListF', moreShellF', moreFileShellF, moreFileF, moreF, moreF', terminalF, cmdTerminalF, TerminalCmd(..), -- ** Graphics hyperGraphicsF, hyperGraphicsF',GraphicsF,setAdjustSize, -- * Fudgets and combinators contDynF, Fudget(..), F, --F(..), listF, untaggedListF, loopCompF, loopCompSP, loopF, loopLeftF, loopRightF, loopOnlyF, loopThroughRightF, loopCompThroughLeftF, loopCompThroughRightF, loopThroughBothF, --Message, delayF, getF, putF, putsF, startupF, appendStartF, nullF, parF, prodF, absF, bypassF, concatMapF, idF, idLeftF, idRightF, mapF, mapstateF, serCompLeftToRightF, serCompRightToLeftF, stubF, throughF, toBothF, (>*<), (>+<), (>=^<), (>=^^<), (>#+<), (>#==<), (>==<), (>^=<), (>^^=<), prepostMapHigh, quitIdF, quitF, DynFMsg(..), dynF, dynListF, DynMsg(..), --Either(..), FudgetIO(..), --Fa(..),Direction, TCommand(..),TEvent(..), {- FCommand(..), FEvent(..), K(..), KCommand(..), KEvent(..), TCommand(..), TEvent(..), -} -- ** Input InF(..), InputMsg(..), inputDoneSP, inputLeaveDoneSP, inputListSP, inputPairSP, inputThroughF, inputPairF, inputListF, inputChange, inputListLF, inputPairLF, -- obsolete stripInputSP, inputButtonKey, inputLeaveKey, inputMsg, mapInp, stripInputMsg, inputDone, inputLeaveDone, tstInp, -- * Layout Orientation(..), alignF, marginHVAlignF, layoutModifierF, noStretchF, marginF, sepF, autoP, flipP, permuteP, revP, idP, Alignment(..), aBottom, aCenter, aLeft, aRight, aTop, -- barP, rightBelowP, dynListLF, LayoutDir(..), listLF, nullLF, holeF, --rbLayoutF, untaggedListLF, LayoutRequest, Placer, center, center', fixedh, fixedv, flipPoint, flipRect, flipReq, NameLayout, LName(..),hvAlignNL, marginHVAlignNL, hBoxNL, hBoxNL', nullNL, leafNL, spaceNL, placeNL, listNF, modNL, nameF, nameLayoutF, sepNL, marginNL, vBoxNL, vBoxNL', hBoxF, matrixF, placerF, spacerF, spacer1F, revHBoxF, revVBoxF, spacerP, tableF, vBoxF, horizontalP, horizontalP', matrixP, matrixP', verticalP, verticalP',paragraphP,paragraphP',paragraphP'', dynPlacerF, dynSpacerF, -- There are pitfalls with using these... Distance(..), Spacer, bottomS, centerS, compS, flipS, hAlignS, sizeS, maxSizeS, minSizeS, hCenterS, hMarginS, marginHVAlignS, hvAlignS, hvMarginS, idS, leftS, marginS, sepS, noStretchS, rightS, topS, vAlignS, vCenterS, vMarginS, tableP, tableP', bubbleF, bubblePopupF, bubbleRootPopupF, shellF, PotRequest(..), PotState(..), containerGroupF, hPotF, vPotF, popupShellF, popupShellF', PopupMsg(..), posPopupShellF, hScrollF, scrollF, scrollShellF, vScrollF, ESelCmd(..), ESelEvt(..), SelCmd(..), SelEvt(..), eselectionF, selectionF, allcacheF, {- bitmapdatacacheF, bitmapfilecacheF, colorcacheF, fontcacheF, fontcursorcacheF, fstructcacheF, gCcacheF, -} doubleClickF, Time(..), -- * Stream processors -- ** Combining stream processors (-+-),(-*-),(-==-), compEitherSP, idLeftSP, idRightSP, postMapSP, preMapSP, prepostMapSP, serCompSP, loopLeftSP, loopSP, loopOnlySP, loopThroughRightSP, loopThroughBothSP, parSP, seqSP, -- ** Stream processor primitives SP,nullSP,putSP,putsSP,getSP, StreamProcIO(..),runSP, walkSP, pullSP, {-SPm(..), bindSPm, getSPm, monadSP, nullSPm, putsSPm, thenSPm, toSPm, unitSPm,-} -- ** Convenient stream processors idSP, filterSP, filterJustSP, filterLeftSP, filterRightSP, mapFilterSP, splitSP, toBothSP, concatSP, concSP, mapSP, concatMapSP, concmapSP, concatMapAccumlSP, mapstateSP, mapAccumlSP, zipSP, -- ** Stream processor behaviour Cont(..), appendStartSP, chopSP, delaySP, feedSP, splitAtElemSP, startupSP, stepSP, cmdContSP, conts, getLeftSP, getRightSP, waitForSP, waitForF, dropSP, contMap, -- * System (stdio, files, network, subprocesses) -- ** Dialogue IO hIOF, hIOSuccF, hIOerrF, haskellIOF, inputLinesSP, linesSP, -- ** Stdio outputF, stderrF, stdinF, stdioF, stdoutF, -- ** Subprocesses subProcessF, -- ** Files and directories appStorageF, readDirF, readFileF, writeFileF, -- ** Sockets Host(..), LSocket(..), Peer(..), Port(..), Socket(..), openLSocketF, openSocketF, receiverF, transceiverF, transmitterF, asyncTransmitterF, asyncTransceiverF, -- ** Timer Tick(..), timerF, --dropF, -- ** Running a fudget fudlogue, fudlogue', Fudlogue, -- * Command line, environment and defaults argFlag, argKey, argReadKey, argKeyList, args, progName, bgColor, buttonFont, defaultFont, defaultSize, defaultPosition, defaultSep, edgeWidth, fgColor, labelFont, look3d, menuFont, options, paperColor, shadowColor, shineColor, -- * Utilities for the Either type filterLeft, filterRight, isLeft, isRight, mapEither, fromLeft, fromRight, plookup, splitEitherList, stripEither, stripLeft, -- mapfilter, isM, stripMaybe, stripMaybeDef, -- use Maybe.mapMaybe,isJust,fromJust,fromMaybe! stripRight, swapEither, -- * Geometry (=.>), Line(..), Point(..), Rect(..), Size(..), Move(..), confine, diag, freedom, growrect, inRect, lL, line2rect, moveline, moverect, origin, pMax, pMin, pP, padd, plim, pmax, pmin, posrect, psub, rR, rect2line, rectMiddle, rmax, rsub, scale, scalePoint, sizerect, --xcoord, ycoord, rectpos, rectsize, -- * Utilities aboth, anth, gmap, -- afst, asnd, dropto, issubset, lhead, loop, lsplit, ltail, mapPair, number, oo, pair, pairwith, part, remove, replace, swap, unionmap, module FudVersion, -- * Xlib types XCommand, XEvent, Path(..), Button(..), ColorName(..), FontName(..), KeySym(..), FontStruct, RGB(..), WindowAttributes, ModState(..), Modifiers(..), -- * Graphics and drawings CoordMode(..),Shape(..), DrawCommand(..),fillCircle,drawCircle, Graphic(..), Drawing(..),atomicD,labelD,up,boxD,hboxD,hboxD',vboxD,vboxD',tableD,tableD', hboxcD,hboxcD',vboxlD,vboxlD',matrixD,matrixD', attribD,softAttribD,hardAttribD,fontD,fgD,stackD,spacedD,placedD, blankD,filledRectD,rectD, DPath(..), Gfx, g, FixedDrawing(..),FixedColorDrawing(..),gctx2gc, FlexibleDrawing(..),flex,flex', filler,hFiller,vFiller,frame,frame',ellipse,ellipse',arc,arc', filledEllipse,filledEllipse',filledarc,filledarc', lpar,rpar,lbrack,rbrack,lbrace,rbrace, triangleUp,triangleDown,filledTriangleUp,filledTriangleDown, BitmapFile(..), ColorGen(..),FontGen(..),FontSpec,ColorSpec,--Name(..),--ColorFallback(..), colorSpec,fontSpec, GCtx,rootGCtx,wCreateGCtx,createGCtx,gcFgA,gcBgA,gcFontA, GCAttributes(..),GCFillStyle(..),GCCapStyle(..),GCLineStyle(..),GCFunction(..), Width(..), -- * Customisation Customiser(..), PF(..), standard, HasClickToType(..), HasVisible(..), HasFontSpec(..), setFont, HasKeys(..), HasWinAttr(..), --HasTitle(..), HasBorderWidth(..), HasBgColorSpec(..), HasFgColorSpec(..), HasMargin(..), setBgColor,setFgColor, HasAlign(..), {- HasAllowedChar(..), HasShowString(..), -} setAllowedChar, setShowString, setCursorPos, HasCache(..), setDeleteQuit,setDeleteWindowAction,DeleteWindowAction(..),--HasDeleteQuit(..), HasInitSize(..), HasInitDisp(..), --setInitDisp, getInitDisp, setSpacer, HasStretchable(..), HasLabelInside(..),setPlacer, ShellF, shellF', setInitPos, unmappedSimpleShellF, unmappedSimpleShellF', ButtonF, buttonF', buttonF'', setLabel, DisplayF, displayF',-- displayF'', labelF', --labelF'', StringF, stringF', stringF'', setInitString, setInitStringSize, passwdF', passwdF'', intF', intF'', intDispF', --intDispF'', -- * Miscellaneous gcWarningF,bellF, --D_IOError, -- * Time getTime,getLocalTime, -- * Debugging spyF,teeF, ctrace,showCommandF) where import AllFudgets -- hiding (Cont,PCont,Fa) import FudVersion -- I hate this file /TH -- I still hate this file /TH