PfeDepCmds is imported by: StrategoCmds, Main{-pfe/pfe.hs-}, IsabelleCmds, PPfeCmds, PPfeMain, PfePropCmds.
module PfeDepCmds where import Prelude hiding (print) import List(nub,intersect) import Monad(unless) import HsName(HsName(..)) import HsIdent(getHSName) --import HsConstants(main_name) import SourceNames(SN(..)) import SrcLoc(loc0,srcLoc,srcLine,srcColumn) import PFEdeps(runPFE5,depModules',tdepModules') import Pfe0Cmds(mainModules) import PfeParse import PFE0(allModules,pput,epput,getCurrentModuleGraph,getSubGraph,preparseModule) import PFE2(getModuleExports) import AbstractIO import MUtils import QualNames(getQualified) import HasBaseName(getBaseName) import DefinedNames(definedNames) import UniqueNames(HasOrig(..),PN(..),Orig(..),noSrcLoc,origModule) import PNT(PNT(..)) import TiPNT() -- instances for PNT --import TiNames(instName) import TypedIds(IdTy(..),idTy,NameSpace(..),namespace) import Ents(Ent(..)) import Relations(applyRel) import SimpleGraphs(graph,nodes,reachable,isReachable,listReachable,reverseGraph) --import OrdGraph --slower than Graph! import PrettyPrint import PFE3(refsModule) --import RefsTypes(isDef,shPos) --import ConvRefsTypes(simplifyRefsTypes') runPFE5Cmds ext = runCmds (runPFE5 ext) pfeDepCmds = [("deps" , (tModuleArgs deps, "compute dependency graph for definitions")), ("needed", (tQualIds needed',"needed definitions")), ("neededmodules",(tQualIds neededmodules', "names of modules containing needed definitions")), ("dead", (tQualIds dead',"dead code (default: Main.main)")), -- ("refs", (moduleArgs refs,"list what idenfifiers refer to")), ("uses", (entityId uses,"find uses of an entity"))] tModuleArgs = moduleArgs' opts . uncurry where opts = (,) #@ dot <@ untyped dot = kwOption "-dot" tQualIds cmd = f #@ untyped <@ many (arg "<M.x>") where f depM = cmd depM @@ parseQualIds untyped = depM #@ kwOption "-untyped" where depM untyped optms = pick # depM' untyped optms where pick = maybe id (\ms -> filter(\ d@(m,ds)->m `elem` ms)) optms depM' untyped = if untyped then depModules' else tdepModules' --needed = needed' depModules' --tneeded = needed' tdepModules' needed' dm qids = do (_,_,used) <- snd # depgraph' dm qids pput $ ppOrigs (listReachable used) --neededmodules = neededmodules' depModules' --tneededmodules = neededmodules' tdepModules' neededmodules' dm qids = do (_,_,used) <- snd # depgraph' dm qids pput $ fsep (nub $ map origModule (listReachable used)) --dead = dead' depModules' --tdead = dead' tdepModules' dead' dm [] = do mains <- mainModules dead'' dm [(m,"main")|m<-mains] dead' dm qids = dead'' dm qids dead'' dm qids = do (g,ids,used) <- snd # depgraph' dm qids let unused = [n|n<-nodes g,not (isReachable used n)] pput $ fsep (map ppOrig unused) uses (optns,q@(m,n)) = do pnts <- definedPNTs m let ppq = m<>"."<>n case pnts of [] -> fail.pp $ "No such"<+>ppns optns<>":"<+>ppq _ -> do let n=length pnts unless (n<2) $ epput$ ppq<+>"matches"<+>n<+>"entities, showing uses of all" findUses pnts where ppns = maybe (pp "entity") ppns' ppns' ValueNames = pp "value" ppns' ClassOrTypeNames = "class or type" findUses pnts = mapM_ (usesIn pnts) . flip reachable [m] . reverseGraph . map snd =<< getCurrentModuleGraph definedPNTs = map pnt . filter same . definedNames #. preparseModule same (i,ty) = getQualified (getBaseName (getHSName i)) == n && maybe True (namespace ty ==) optns pnt (i,ty) = pnt' (getQualified # ty) m n refs ms = mapM_ ref1 ms where ref1 = pput.ppRefs @@ refsModule ppRefs = vcat . map ppRef ppRef (_,r,os) = r<+>"at"<+>srcLoc r<>":" $$ nest 4 (vcat [pp (srcLoc o)|(o,_)<-os]) usesIn pnts m = do refs <- refsModule m let qs = sp pnts uses = [ppLineCol (srcLoc r)|(_,r,origs)<-refs, --not (isDef r), let os = sp (origs2PNT origs), os `intersects` qs] unless (null uses) $ pput (m<>":"<+>fsep uses) where sp xs = [(x,namespace (idTy x))|x<-xs] origs2PNT origs = [PNT (getHSName pn) ty noSrcLoc|(pn,ty)<-origs] ppLineCol p = srcLine p<>","<>srcColumn p intersects xs ys = not . null $ intersect xs ys depgraph = depgraph' depModules' tdepgraph = depgraph' tdepModules' depgraph' depModules' qids = do let ms = nub (map fst qids) deps <- depModules' . Just . map (fst.snd) =<< getSubGraph (Just ms) ids <- concatMapM origpnt qids let g = depGraph [(n,ns)|(m,(t,ds))<-deps,(ns1,(ns,h))<-ds,n<-ns1] always = [n|(m,(t,ds))<-deps,([],(ns,h))<-ds,n<-ns] used = reachable g (nub (ids++always)) return (deps,(g,ids,used)) depGraph = graph . mapSnd concat . collectByFst -- because of names from typesigs... origpnt (m,n) = do (t,rel) <- getModuleExports m return $ case map ent2pnt (applyRel rel (SN n loc0)) of [] -> [pnt m n] ns -> ns where ent2pnt (Ent m i ty) = pnt' ty m n where SN n _ = getHSName i pnt = pnt' Value pnt' ty m n = PNT (PN (Qual m n) (g m n)) (conv # ty) noSrcLoc where conv (SN n s) = PN n (S s) g m n = G m n noSrcLoc --dotdeps depM = pput.pdotdeps @@ depM . just --tdotdeps = pput.pdotdeps @@ tdepModules' . just pdotdeps deps = "digraph DepGraph"$$ braces ("size=\"7.5,10.5\";ratio=fill;"$$ vcat [p d<>"->"<>braces (fsep [p f<>";"|f<-fs]) |(m,(t,mdeps))<-deps,(ds,(fs,h))<-mdeps,d<-ds]) where p = doubleQuotes . ppOrig --tdeps = pdeps @@ tdepModules' . just deps dot depM = pput.fmt @@ depM . just where fmt = if dot then pdotdeps else pdeps pdeps (m,(t,deps)) = sep ["module"<+>m<>":",nest 2 (vcat $ map pdep deps)] where pdep (ds,(fs,h)) = sep [fsep ds <> ":",nest 2 (fsep (map ppOrig fs))] ppOrig = ppOrig' (Just m) ppOrig = ppOrig' Nothing ppOrig' optm n = if Just m'==optm then ppi x else m'<>"."<>x where (m',x) = origId n origId n = case orig n of G m' n' _ -> (m', n') -- I m' loc -> (m',instName m' loc) _ -> error ("Bug: PfeDepCmds.origId "++show n) ppOrigs qs = vcat [m<>":"<+>fsep xs|(m,xs)<-collectByFst (map origId qs)]
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