UniqueNames is imported by: TiNames, TiPNT, PNT, ScopeModule, NumberNames, SourceNames, DerivingUtils, SimpFieldLabels, SimpPatMatch, BaseStruct2Alfa, Prop2Alfa, ConvRefsTypes, BaseStruct2Stratego2, PFE4, PFEdeps, Pfe4Cmds, PfeDepCmds.
module UniqueNames where import SrcLoc(SrcLoc(..),loc0,HasSrcLoc) import SrcLocPretty() import HsName (Id,ModuleName) import PrettyPrint import PrettyUtil(ppqIfDebug) import HasBaseName --import NoEq import qualified SrcLoc as L import Maybe(fromMaybe) -- Types to decorate identifiers to make them unique data Orig = L Int -- for unique names generated in the scope pass | G ModuleName Id OptSrcLoc -- unique top level names (original names) | D Int OptSrcLoc -- for unique variables generated by the type checker | S SrcLoc -- for names made unique by their defining occurence in the source | Sn Id SrcLoc -- unique by name + a source location -- | I ModuleName SrcLoc -- for names of instances introduced by the type checker | P -- just for pretty printing deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Read) newtype OptSrcLoc = N (Maybe SrcLoc) -- deriving (Show) noSrcLoc = N Nothing srcLoc = N . Just optSrcLoc = N instance Eq OptSrcLoc where _ == _ = True instance Ord OptSrcLoc where compare _ _ = EQ instance Show OptSrcLoc where showsPrec _ _ = id instance Read OptSrcLoc where readsPrec _ s = [(N Nothing,s)] data PN i = PN i Orig deriving (Show,Read) instance HasSrcLoc (PN i) where srcLoc = fromMaybe loc0 . optLoc' optLoc = N . optLoc' optLoc' (PN i o) = case o of G m n (N optp) -> optp -- I m p -> Just p S p -> Just p D n (N optp) -> optp _ -> Nothing class Unique n where unique :: ModuleName -> n -> Orig class HasOrig n where orig :: n -> Orig instance HasOrig (PN i) where orig (PN i o) = o origModule n = fromMaybe err (optOrigModule n) where err = error $ "Bug: UniqueNames.origModule "++show n -- hmm optOrigModule n = case orig n of G m _ _-> Just m -- I m _ -> Just m _ -> Nothing instance HasBaseName (PN i) i where getBaseName (PN i _) = i instance Eq (PN i) where PN _ p1==PN _ p2 = p1==p2 instance Ord (PN i) where compare (PN _ p1) (PN _ p2) = compare p1 p2 instance Functor PN where fmap f (PN i o) = PN (f i) o x `eqSrc` y = getBaseName x == getBaseName y --- instance Printable i => Printable (PN i) where ppi (PN i o) = i<>o wrap (PN i o) = wrap i<>o instance PrintableOp i => PrintableOp (PN i) where isOp (PN i n) = isOp i ppiOp (PN i n) = ppiOp i<>n instance Printable Orig where ppi (D n (N s)) = ppi (subnum n)<+>ppqIfDebug s ppi (S p) = ppqIfDebug p ppi (G m _ _) = ppqIfDebug m --ppi (Sn n (SrcLoc f r c)) = "«"<>r<>","<>c<>"»" ppi _ = empty subnum n = ppIfUnicode (subdigs (show n)) n where subdigs ('-':s) = toEnum 0x208b:subdigs' s subdigs s = subdigs' s subdigs' = map subdig subdig :: Char->Char subdig = toEnum . (+0x2050) . fromEnum
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