TiE is imported by: TiBaseStruct, TiD, TiPropStruct.
-- Refactored type inference for the E structure. -- Returns types and translated expressions.
module TiE where import HasBaseStruct import BaseSyntaxStruct import SrcLoc import TI import TiLit(tcLit) import TiFields import TiRhs --import TiPrelude import MUtils import Monad(join)--,liftM2 instance HasId i (EI i e p ds t c) where ident = HsId isId (HsId x) = Just x isId _ = Nothing instance (HasBaseStruct e (EI i e p ds t c),HasId i p) => HasAbstr i (EI i e p ds t c) where abstract xs e = HsLambda (map var xs) (base e)
When inferring the type of an expression, we return a type and a transformed expression, which can be of any (extended) expression type, hence the requirement HasCoreSyntax e, HasBaseStruct e ... and the result type Typed e.
{- -- Copied from the type inferred for tcE by GHC: instance (Fresh i,TypeId i,ValueId i, HasSrcLoc i, -- for error reporting HasBaseStruct rec (EI i e x r t1 c1), HasTypeAnnot i e,HasTypeAnnot i x, TypeCheck i p1 (Typed i x), TypeCheck i e1 (Typed i e), TypeCheckDecls i ds r, HasBaseStruct e1 (EI i e1 p1 ds t2 c2), HasId i p1, HasAbstr i e1, HasBaseStruct p1 (PI i p), HasCoreSyntax i e1, HasTypeApp i rec, HasLit rec,HasTypeAnnot i rec, DefinedNames i p1, TypeCheck i e1 (Typed i rec), HasBaseStruct d1 (DI i e1 p2 ds1 t c tp), HasId i p2, HasDef ds1 d, HasDef ds d1) => TypeCheck i (EI i e1 p1 ds t c) (Typed i rec) where tc = tcE -} tcE e = case e of HsId n -> inst_loc n HsLit s l -> tcLit (hsLit s) s l HsInfixApp x op z -> inst_loc op `tapp` tc x `tapp` tc z HsApp x y -> tc x `tapp` tc y HsNegApp s x -> instPrel_srcloc s "negate" `tapp` tc x HsLambda ps e -> tcLambda ps e HsLet ds e -> tcLet ds (tc e) HsIf x y z -> join $ tcIf # tc x <# tc y <# tc z HsCase e alts -> tcCase e alts HsDo stmts -> tcStmts stmts HsTuple es -> typedTuple =<< mapM tc es HsList es -> tcList =<< mapM tc es HsParen e -> emap hsParen # tc e HsLeftSection x op -> inst_loc op `tapp` tc x HsRightSection op y -> instPrel "flip" `tapp` inst_loc op `tapp` tc y HsRecConstr s c fields -> tcFieldsCon s c fields HsRecUpdate s e upds -> tcFieldsUpd s (tc e) upds HsEnumFrom x -> instPrel "enumFrom" `tapp` tc x HsEnumFromTo x y -> instPrel "enumFromTo" `tapp` tc x `tapp` tc y HsEnumFromThen x y -> instPrel "enumFromThen" `tapp` tc x `tapp` tc y HsEnumFromThenTo x y z -> instPrel "enumFromThenTo" `tapp` tc x `tapp` tc y `tapp` tc z HsListComp stmts -> emap hsListComp # tcLComp stmts HsExpTypeSig s e c t -> tcExpTypeSig s e c t _ -> fail "Bug: not implemented yet" tcLambda ps e = do (ps',e'):>:(tps,t') <- tcLambda' ps e let tps' = zipWith typeAnnot ps' tps hsLambda tps' (typeAnnot e' t') >: foldr hsTyFun t' tps tcLambda' ps e = do bs <- schintro (patternVars ps) extendts bs $ do ps':>:tps <- unzipTyped # mapM tc ps e':>:t' <- tc e (ps', e') >: (tps,t') tcDsLambda' ps ds e = do bs <- schintro (patternVars ps) extendts bs $ do ps':>:tps <- unzipTyped # mapM tc ps ds':>:dbs <- tcLocalDecls ds e':>:t' <- extendts dbs (tc e) --let ds'' = addDeclsType ([],bs) ds' (ps', ds', e') >: foldr hsTyFun t' tps tcLet ds tce = do ds':>: bs <- tcLocalDecls ds e' :>: t' <- extendts bs tce hsLet ds' e' >: t' tcExpTypeSig s e c t = do v <- fresh tc (hsLet (hsTypeSig s [v] c t `consDef` (hsPatBind s (var v) (HsBody e) noDef `consDef` noDef)) (var v) `asTypeOf` e) --tcIf :: HasBaseStruct e (E e p ds t c) => Typed e -> Typed e -> Typed e -> TI (Typed e) tcIf (cnd:>:tcnd) (thn:>:tthn) (els:>:tels) = do tBool <- getBoolType tcnd=:=tBool tthn=:=tels hsIf cnd thn els >:: tthn tcCase e alts = do e':>:te <- tc e alts':>:ats <- unzipTyped # mapM tcAlt alts let (tps,tes) = unzip ats mapM_ (te=:=) tps t <- allSame tes hsCase e' alts' >:: t e >:: t = typeAnnot e t >: t tcAlt (HsAlt s p rhs ds) = do bs <- schintro (patternVars p) extendts bs $ do p':>:tp <- tc p ds':>:dbs <- tcLocalDecls ds rhs':>:trhs <- extendts dbs (tc rhs) --let ds'' = addDeclsType ([],bs) ds' HsAlt s p' rhs' ds'>:(tp,trhs) tcStmts stmts = do bind <- ident # prelValue ">>=" thn <- ident # prelValue ">>" fail <- ident # prelValue "fail" let desugar stmt = case stmt of HsGenerator _ p e stmt -> app (bind `app` e) # match p stmt HsQualifier e stmt -> app (thn `app` e) # desugar stmt HsLetStmt ds stmt -> hsLet ds # desugar stmt HsLast e -> return e match p stmt = do stmt' <- desugar stmt case isVar p of Just v -> return $ abstract [v] stmt' _ -> do v <- fresh return (abstract [v] $ hsCase (var v) [p -+> stmt', hsPWildCard -+> hsFailInDo]) hsFailInDo = fail `app` hsLit loc0 (HsString "pattern match failure in do") p -+> e = HsAlt loc0 p (HsBody e) noDef tc =<< desugar stmts tcLComp lc = case lc of HsGenerator s p e lc -> do e':>:et <- tc e bs <- schintro (patternVars p) let ext = extendts bs p':>:pt <- ext (tc p) listType <- getListType et=:=listType pt emap (HsGenerator s p' e') # ext (tcLComp lc) HsQualifier e lc -> do e':>:t <- tc e tBool <- getBoolType t=:=tBool emap (HsQualifier e') # tcLComp lc HsLetStmt ds lc -> do ds':>: bs <- tcLocalDecls ds emap (HsLetStmt ds') # extendts bs (tcLComp lc) HsLast e -> do e':>:t <- tc e listType <- getListType HsLast e' >: listType t
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