TiFields is imported by: TiE, TiP.
module TiFields where import HasBaseStruct import BaseSyntaxStruct import HsFieldsStruct import TI import MUtils --import SpecialNames -- debug instance (--IsSpecialName i, -- debug ValueId i,TypeVar i,Fresh i,TypeCheck i e (Typed i e2)) => TypeCheck i (HsFieldsI i e) (Typed i (HsFieldsI i e2)) where tc fs= do fs:>:ts <- unzipTyped # mapM tc fs t <- allSame ts fs>:t instance (--IsSpecialName i, -- debug ValueId i,TypeVar i,Fresh i, TypeCheck i e (Typed i e2)) => TypeCheck i (HsFieldI i e) (Typed i (HsFieldI i e2)) where tc=tcHsField tcHsField (HsField f e) = do ft <- inst_field (HsVar f) e':>:et <- tc e r <- tfresh hsTyFun r et =:= ft HsField f e'>:r tcFieldsPat c = tcFieldsCon' hsPRec c tcFieldsCon s c = tcFieldsCon' (hsRecConstr s) c tcFieldsCon' appf c = tcFields appf bM where bM = do tcon <- inst_field (HsCon c) c>:resultType tcon resultType (Typ t) = case t of HsTyFun _ t -> resultType t _ -> Typ t tcFieldsUpd s bM = tcFields (hsRecUpdate s) bM tcFields c bM fields = do b:>:bt <- bM fs:>:ft <- tc fields bt=:=ft c b fs>:bt
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